In this article we will discuss about the structure of Polynoe with the help of a diagram.


1. It is a marine, carnivorous & phos­phorescent worm found buried under stones & pebbles.

2. Animals are bilaterally symmetrical,, triploblastic, metamerically segmented and coeiomate.

3. A distinct head is present and body comprises of 12-15 segments.

4. The head bears three small pro-stomiai tentacles, two palps and two pairs of peristomial cirri.

5. The pharynx is protrusible and is armed with small teeth.

6. Each body segment bears a pair of parapodium.

7. Each parapodium is comprised of a dorsal notopodial and a ventral neuropodial part. The notopodial cirrus is modified into a dorsal pleate-like (scale-like) & flat elytra, which serves for respiration.

8. The stiff neuropodial setae are in bunch, extend on lateral sides and are glistening bright golden.

9. Carnivorous and show occasional cannibalism.

10. The elytra form protective covering and may be cast off when an enemy attacks.
