In this article we will discuss about the structure of Octopus with the help of diagram.

Octopus1. It is commonly called as “sea-devil” and is a marine and cosmopolitan animal.

2. It is normally found in holes or crevices or under stones along sea bottom.

3. Body globular and is divided into visceral hump and head. The head is comparatively small and undifferentiated.

4. Foot modified Into 8 small and thick arms which are all arranged around mouth.

5. Head bears a pair of large conspicuous eyes.

6. Each arm is beset with two rows of large cup­like suckers all along its length.

7. The third right arm of male is modified into a spatulate structure for transfer of spermatophores into the female.

8. Shell and tentacles are altogether absent.

9. Between head and visceral hump, at the lower side, is present a conical funnel at the base of which lies an ink gland which helps in its escape from enemy.
