In this article we will discuss about the structure of Dentallium with the help of a diagram.
1. It is commonly called “Tusk shell” and is a marine mollusc found buried in sand of deep seas.
2. Bilaterally symmetrical body is enclosed in a cylindrical curved, ridged and conical shell, which is open at both ends.
3. Foot is small and spade-like and is located at the anterior end. It is used for burrowing.
4. Head bears numerous tentacles (captacula) with terminal suckers.
5. Gills 4 eyes are absent and circulatory system reduced.
6. Respiration through mantis, excretory organs paired and radula is prominent.
7. Sexes are separate and development through trochophore larva.
8. Anus lies beneath the foot and otocysts and gonads are prominent.
9. The shells are used in place of money by certain tribal Red Indians.