In this article we will discuss about the structure of Terebella with the help of a diagram.


1. They are red coloured, marine and tubicolous worms found along European and American coasts buried in mud between sea rocks.

2. Body elongated and measures about 15 to 20 cm. in length and is broad in front and narrow behind.

3. Head is distinct and comprises a horse-shoe shaped prostomium and a peristomium.

4. Peristomium is without cirri but the prostomium bears 2 pairs of eye spots and numerous filiform or filamentous tentacles but no paips.

5. Body divisible into a 10-15′ segmented anterior, 25-30 segmented middle and 25-30 segmented posterior regions.

6. First two segments bear branched arborescent and comb like gills.

7. The parapodia in anterior and middle region are all alike and are comprised of a notopodium and a neuropodium. The setae are prominent in anterior segments but reduced in posterior segments.

8. Posterior region is without parapodia.
