In this article we will discuss about the structure of schistosoma with the help of a diagram.
1. It is commonly called “blood fluke” and was in the hepatic portal system and mesenteric vessels of man.
2. These animals are acoelomate, bilaterally symmetrical and are some what flattened dorsoventrally.
3. The sexes are separate, but the females always live in the gynacophoric canal of the male.
4. The males are usually smaller and stouter, whereas the females are longer and slenderer.
5. The gynacophoric canal is formed as a result of folding of the ventral body wall.
6. Both males and females are having oral and ventral suckers, but the ventral sucker of male is extremely powerful.
7. Digestive system, in either sex, is comprised of oesophagus and intestine, the pharynx being absent.
8. Life-cycle Involves a mollusc -the snail (Bulinus).
9. Infection in man occurs through skin penetration by cercaria while walking or swimming in water.