In this article we will discuss about the structure of Brancheilion with the help of a diagram.

Brancheilion 1. It is a marine leech.

2. Ectoparasite on torpedo fish.

3. Distinct head, appendages prostomium and setae are absent.

4. Well pedunculate anterior (oral) and posterior suckers are present.

5. True coelom is absent obliterated, haemocoel is reduced.

6. Anterior and posterior segments smaller in size and middle segments larger.

7. The segments bear foliaceous non-digitate gills.

8. Pharynx protrusible and jaws are absent.

9. Blood colourless and botryoidal absent.

10. Crop has single unpaired caecum.

11. Hermaphrodite and reproduces sexually.

12. Eyes six and are dorsally placed.
