In this article we will discuss about the structure of parapodium of heteronereis with diagram.

Parapodium of Heteronereis

1. It is the slide of parapodium of Hereronereis.

2. The parapodium is biramous and ties on either side of a segment and is an organ of locomotion (swimming).

3. It comprises a dorsal notopodii and a ventral neuropodial lobe each of which is supported intermally by a chitinous rod-like aciculum.

4. The aciculum bears numerous oar- shaped setae arranged in fan like manner.

5. Above the notopodium dorsal cirrus is present and below the neuropodium the ventral cirrus is present.

6. The notopodial and neuropodial lobes are produced into highly vascular foliacious outgrowths.
