In this article we will discuss about the structure of Pearl Oyster (Ostrea) with the help of a diagram.

Pearl Oyster (Ostrea)1. Commonly known as “pearl-oysters”, and are marine, sedentary and found attached to rocks and stones.

2. The shell is external and comprised of two unequal beautifully coloured valves.

3. Of the two valves the left is large and right is small.

4. The umbo (raised area) lies on anterior side and the surface of each valve is irregular and rough.

5. The mantle lines the two valves and is without any tentacles or ocelli.

6. The gills are paired and crescentric and the foot is absent in adults.

7. A byssus groove is present in front but is without byssus threads.

8. Adductor muscle is single and is divided into unequal parts.

9. The individuals behave as males and females alternately.

10. They are much liked as food.
