The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between phytophthora and pythium.

Difference # Phytophthora:

1. The sporangia are produced on special aerial reproductive hyphae called the sporangiophores which are sympodially branched and present a joined appearance.

2. The papillate, lemon-shaped sporangia are always terminal in origin but are subsequently shifted to the side.

3. The zoospores are differentiated in the sporangium and are liberated by the bursting of the apical papilla. No vesicle is formed in P. infestans.

4. The germ tube enters the host tissue through, the wall of the epidermal cells by means of the infection peg that grows from the appressorium produced by the germ tube.

Difference # Pythium:

1. The sporangia are produced on the somatic hyphae indistinguishable from the other hyphae of the mycelium.

2. The globose to oval sporangia are either terminal or intercalary in position.

3. The differentiation of zoospores takes place in the vesicle. They are liberated by the sudden bursting of the vesicular wall.

4. The germ tube enters the host tissues either through a stoma or by boring through the walls of the epidermal cells probably by enzyme action. No appressoria are formed.
