In this article we will discuss about the morphology and vegetative structures of cercospora.

Morphology of Cercospora:


Common Species:

Cercospora arachidicola, C. beticola, C. nicotianae, C. personata and C. apii.


It commonly occurs parasitically on many plants of economic importance, and causes the leaf spot disease on arhar, cotton, rice, chillies, Calotropis, Arachis hypogaea (Fig. 114) etc.

Cercospora Causing Infection on Groundnut

Vegetative Structures of Cercospora:

1. Mycelium is well-developed, branched, septate, slender, intercellular and brown coloured.

2. Branched haustoria are present in C. personata. In C. arachidicola the haustoria are absent.

Conidiophores and Conidia:

1. Only asexual reproductive bodies, i.e., conidia are present. Sexual reproduction is absent.

2. Conidiophores are septate (Fig. 115), dark-coloured structures coming out in tufts from stomata.


3. Conidia develop on geniculate structures.

4. On liberation from conidiophore, each conidium leaves a small scar at the place of its attachment.

5. Conidiophores are 22-41 µ long and 3-5µ broad.

6. Conidia are hyaline or pale yellow, obclavate, 38- 108µ long and 3-6µ broad. They are 4 to 12-septate (Fig. 116).

Conidia of Arachidicola, Conidia of C. Personata
