Poultry is the domestication and rearing of birds like chicken, turkeys, geese, swans, and emu etc for providing food.

In poultry sector there exists a large scope to enhance food production through both layer and broiler farming.

It has been observed that agriculture hardly provides employment ranging from 120 to 150 days in a year. It has been calculated that a backyard poultry unit of 25 to 50 can generate employment for 40 to 50 man days.

In a similar manner a dairy unit consisting of 2 crossbred cows can help in creating employment for 120 to 150 man days and a small ruminant (Goats & Sheep) of 20 head size generate 100 to 120 man days in a year, mostly in the woman work force. In addition to this, commercial activities under this sector will also encourage unemployed educated youths in a great manner to set up their own units. These activities will create sustainable means of livelihood in the rural areas along with bridging the gap in demand and production in egg, meat and milk.


Large, medium and small scale layer farming can be taken up by the prospective entrepreneurs/farmers with either own finance or by bank credit. New-a-Jays competent technical and professional guidance are available to the farmers through Govt. and private institutions. The poultry management practices have improved many folds, diseases and mortality incidences have reduced greatly. Now, layer farming has been given considerable importance in State policy and has a better scope in future.


In broiler segment the State is now self sufficient in chicken meat production in respect to demand. Still there is enormous scope within this sector if marketing side is taken care of.

Many reputed entrepreneurs have started interest in broiler sector which further encourage our farmers to take up broiler farming.

Backyard Poultry:

Besides, the above two segments, another segment of poultry is opened for our rural poor. They can take up this segment as their subsidiary occupation. Now days newly developed low input technology birds are available in poultry which thrive well under semi intensive system of management. These birds are phenotypically similar to desi birds instead produce more of eggs and also grow in a much faster rate than desi birds.

These types of breeds and their availability are as follows:

Backyard Poultry

Investment Opportunities:

As poultry has been classified as agriculture now, it has been treated as priority sector of lending from financing institutions. So entrepreneurs/farmers should approach the Commercial Banks/Co-operative Banks/RRB of their areas to avail credit to establish poultry units.

Government is also seriously trying to bring outside investors to invest in State poultry sector to make easy availability of required poultry inputs at a reasonable rate. So that farmers can be encouraged to take up layer and broiler farming.

Government Schemes:

(a) An ambitious programme has been taken up by Govt. to produce 100 lakh eggs/day within 5 years of time.

(b) Strengthening of farms with low input technology birds for backyard farming in the State

(c) Self Help Groups are given opportunity to start poultry farming.

(d) Promotion of large and medium scale poultry farming through Agricultural entrepreneurs schemes.

(e) Promotion of cluster farming.

Govt’s support for poultry development:

1. Poultry has been declared as agriculture.

2. Poultry farming has been treated as priority sector of lending by the financing institutions.

3. A clear cut guideline formulated by Pollution Control Board to ease poultry farming.

4. Exemption of VAT on egg, meat & poultry feed and feed supplements.

5. Lease for Govt. land for poultry farming.

6. Poultry insurance premium has been reduced.

7. 20% capital investment subsidy to a maximum of 20 lakhs is provided for promotion of poultry farming.

8. Action Plan to increase the maize production has been prepared for feed supply.

9. Apex Committee has been constituted to look into various impediments of poultry sector.

Future Issues:

1. Reduction of electricity tariff rate for poultry farming.

2. Exemption of poultry industry from labour act.

3. Exemption of VAT on maize and broken rice.

4. Exemption of entry tax on egg and poultry meat.

5. Planning to increase the storage capacity of maize crop in the State.

Production performance of different breeds:

Layer breeds:

BV 300: 320 eggs / bird

Broiler breeds:

(1) Cobb 100: 1.4 kg in 35 days (2) Cobb 400: 1.8 kg in 40 days (3) Ross: 2.0 kg in 42 days

Dual purpose breeds:

(1) Vanaraj: 150 eggs / bird (2) Carigold: 220 eggs / bird

Housing Specifications:

Floor space:

Deep litter system – (l) Breeder: 3.75 sft (2) Layer: 2.0 sft (3) Broiler: 1.25 sft Cage system -(a) Breeder: 3.0 sft -Layer: 0.8 sft

Water space- Deep litter system (a) Breeder: 2.5 inch -Layer: 2.0 inch – Broiler: 2.0 inch

Cage system- (a) Breeder: Nipple drinking system —Layer: same with light management.

Disease Control:

Several Viral (Ranikhet disease, Marck’s disease, Bird flu, Fowl pox etc)., Bacterial (Fowl cholera, Salmonellosis, Typhoid, paratyphoid etc.) Fungal (Mycosis Aspergillosis etc.), Parasitic (external-lice, mites, fleas, etc. Internal – Rickets, Perosis, Avitaminosis etc.) should be dealt effectively

So in poultry management, emphasis must be given for selection of disease free and suitable breeds, proper, safe and hygienic farm condition, and use of modern scientific methods for transportation and storage, to make it more productive.

Government has been laying thrust in providing gainful employment for the rest period of the year for the work force with this suitable alternative.
