Essay on the Prevention and Control to Drug Addiction!

“Prevention is better than cure” is also true here. Tobacco, drugs/alcohol abuse are more during young age and during adolescence.

Thus remedial measures should be taken well in time. In this regard the parents and teachers have a special responsibility.

The following measures would be particularly useful for prevention and control of alcohol and drug abuse in adolescents.

1. Avoid undue Peer Pressure:

Every child has his/her own choice and personality, which should be kept in mind. So a child should not be pressed unduly to do beyond his/ her capacities, be it studies, sports etc.

2. Education and counselling:

Education and counselling are very important to face problems, stresses, disappointments and failure in life. These should be taken as part of life. One should utilize a child’s energy in some other activities like sports, music, reading, yoga and other extra curricular activities.

3. Seeking help from parents and peers:

Whenever, there is any problem, one should seek help and a guidance from parents and peers. Help should be taken from close and trusted friends. This would help young to share their feelings of anxiety and wrong doings.

4. Looking for Danger Signs:

If friends find someone using drugs or alcohol, they should bring this to the notice of parents of teacher so that appropriate measures would be taken to diagnose the illness and the causes. This would help in taking proper remedial steps or treatment.

5. Seeking Professional and Medical helps:

Highly qualified psychologists, psychia­trists and de-addiction and rehabilitation programmes can help individuals who are suffering from drug/alcohol abuse. If such help is provided to the affected persons, with sufficient efforts and will power, the patient could be completely cured and lead normal and healthy life.
