A drug (French-Drogue a dry herb) is defined as “any chemical agent which affects living protoplasm and is intended for use in the treatment, prevention or diagnosis of disease.”

The prolonged use of drugs may lead to the dependence of the body on them, called drug addiction. The branch of science which deals with drugs is called “pharmacology” (Gk. Pharmacon-drug, logos-study).

Drug Addiction:

It is of three categories:

(a) Psychic dependence:

The addict becomes dependent on drugs and craves for it (i.e. tea/coffee).

(b) Physical dependence:

The body tissues need the presence of the drug in certain amount to maintain normal functions. Sudden withdrawal of the drug causes severe, unpleasant “withdrawal symptoms.”

(c) Tolerance:

It is the failure of an individual to respond to the ordinary dose of a drug on repetition. It may be due to the prolonged use of a drug.

Classification of Drugs:

According to their sources, drugs can be classified into following groups:

1. Inorganic:

These include mineral acids, metals, salts, non-metals etc.

2. Organic:

These are mainly of plant and animal origin i.e. they are mostly originated from leaves, roots, flowers, barks, seeds, pods and the juice or exudates (e.g. opium, belladona etc.) of plants or liver extracts, pepsin, hormones, bones etc. of animals. But according to addiction, drugs can be classified basing on their mode of action on the brain.

(A) Psychotropic Drugs:

“Psycho-pharmacology” is the branch of science which deals with psycho-active or psychotropic drugs. These drugs influence “mind”, mood, feeling, behaviour and power of perception. These are also called “Mood altering drugs” or “Neurological drugs”.

These are divided into the following categories:

1. Sedatives and Hypnotics

2. Opiate narcotics

3. Tranquillizers

4. Stimulants

5. Antidepressants

6. Biphasic (Alcohol) (“Refer Alcoholism”)

Psychotropic Drugs

(B) Psychedelic or Hallucinogenic Drugs:

These drugs produce a syndrome (a number of symptoms) like psychological effects such as illusions, disturbances in thinking, moods and perception and hallucinations.

The main drugs are:

1. LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)

2. Mescalin

3. Psilocybin

4. PCP (Phenyl cyclohexyl piperidine)

5. Marijuana, Hashish, Bhang, Ganja, Charas etc.

Psychotropic Drugs:

1. Sedatives and Hypnotics:

The sedatives depress the activities of the central nervous system. They give a feeling of calmness (sedative effect), relaxation and drowsiness (hypnotic effect) in the body. Barbiturates are synthetic drugs, derived from barbituric acid and are called “Sleeping Pills”.

2. Opiate narcotics:

These drugs suppress brain activity (narcosis) and relieve pain (analgesic). These are medically best pain killers but used with great caution for their addictive characters.

Some of the opiate narcotics are discussed below:

(a) Opium:

It is the white extract of unripe capsules of poppy plant (Papaver somniferum) which turns brown or black when exposed to air. These are smuggled in the form of cakes, brick or powder. It is mainly cultivated in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Turkey etc. The opium addicts becomes dull, loses weight and fertility. The overdose may lead to death. In the unavailability of the drug, “withdrawal symptoms” like muscle cramps, running nose, vomiting, epilepsy etc. are seen.

Some opium derivatives and synthetic drugs are:

(i) Morphine:

It is the most valuable, effective analgesic, derived from opium as colourless crystals or white crystalline powder. It is synthesized as hydrochlorides, sulphates, acetates and tartrate salts. It is administered by injection to relieve pain in cancer, internal hemorrhage, heart attacks etc. It causes addiction.

(ii) Codeine:

The opium contains 0.7 to 2.5% of codeine or Methyl morphine (Gk. Kodeia-head, head of poppy). It is a mild analgesic used in cough syrups. It can be administered by injection.

(iii) Heroin (Diacetylmorphine or Diamophine):

This white or brown, crystalline, semi synthetic compound is derived from morphine by acetylation. It is taken orally or inhaled or injected. Heroin is 4 to 8 times potent than morphine and 200 times stronger than opium and is highly addictive. It is a banned product. Heroin induces drowsiness, lethargy, impaired digestion, decreased weight, reduced vision, sterility and severe dullness. Use of unsterilised syringe and needle and adulterated heroin may lead to blood poisoning, serum hepatitis, formation of abcess and even AIDS.

(iv) Smack:

It is a crude by-product of heroin, called “brown sugar”. It is heated and inhaled. Smack is diacetylmorphine hydrochloride. It is stronger analgesic than morphine.

(v) Pethidine (Pentazocine hydrochloride or Pentazocine lactate):

It is a widely used narcotic analgesic. It has sedative and euphoric effects. It has local anaesthetic action.

(vi) Methadone:

It is a synthetic drug, obtained in the form of white powder. It is an orally effective analgesic, with slightly stronger and longer action than morphine. It is addictive, causing psychic and physical dependence, but withdrawal symptoms are mild. It is used during treatment in morphine and heroin addiction.

Opiate, Narcotics

3. Tranquillizers:

These drugs lessen tension and anxiety. They promote calmness and soothing effect without sedation or depression. It does not induce sleep.

(a) Phenothiazines:

It is an antipsychotic drug, used to decrease aggression, remove anxiety and normalise thought in psychotic patients.

(b) Benzodiazepines:

It is an anti anxiety drug. Anxiety is an excessive disturbance of mind involving restlessness, tension, worry of some uncertain event, apprehension of danger and fear. It has more effectiveness and mild withdrawal symptoms with almost no side effects. (Ex Diazepam (Valium, Calmpose).

4. Stimulants:

The stimulants temporarily stimulate the central nervous system, inducing alertness, elevated mood, activeness, excitement. The withdrawal causes depression, anxiety and restlessness.


(A) Natural Stimulants:

(a) Caffeine (1, 3, 7 trimethylxanthine). This mild stimulant is derived from the leaves of tea plant (Thea chinesis) seeds of coffee plant (Coffea arabic) and seeds of coca plant (Theobroma cacao) as white powder. It simulates central nervous system, heart, blood vessels, kidneys etc. It is common taken as tea, coffee, coca and cola drinks.

It increases metabolic rate of neurons, such as alertness, activeness, decrease fatigue. It causes addiction. It shows withdrawal symptoms like headache, lethargy and disturbed sleep etc. (e.g. A cup of tea contains 30-75 mg of caffeine).

(b) Cocaine (Benzoylmethylecgonine):

This white, crystalline alkaloid is extracted from the leaves and young twigs of coca plant (Erythroxylum coca), a shrub of South America. It can be chewed, eaten, sniffed, taken as drink or injected. It is a local anaesthetic and central nervous system stimulant. When taken in small doses, it increases alertness, relief from fatigue. But prolonged, addictive, heavy doses can cause severe headache, convulsions and even death.

(c) Crack:

It is a potent smokable derivative of cocaine. It is highly addictive. It may cause complications of heart, nasopharynx and mental problems. (It is commonly called as “teeth” or “french fries”)

(d) Betelnut:

Kernel of betelnut (Areca catechu) is chewed extensively in India and Africa. It contains an alkaloid arecoline (C8H13NO2) and a red tannin. It stains gums and teeth, and is mild nervous stimulant.

(B) Synthetic Stimulant:

(a) Amphetamines:

These are strong central nervous system stimulants which increases self confidence, excitement, alertness and wakefulness. They are mostly taken by students, truck drivers and night workers to keep them awake. It is used as a spray or inhalant for the relief of cold, asthma etc. It is a banned drug for “dope test” of athletics. High doses may cause mental confusion, nausea and vomiting.

5. Anti depressants:

These are most used for the treatment of severe cases of depression.

These are of four types:

(a) Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA)—e.g. Doxepin, Asendin etc.

(b) Newer Antidepressants—e.g. Celexa

(c) Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAO) — e.g. Parnate

(d) Selective Serotonin reuptake Inhibitor (SSR) — e.g. Prozac.

6. Biphasic (Alcohol):

These are addicts of alcohol. Sometimes drug addicts take drugs and alcohol simultaneously to get rapid and strong effect.

Examples Effect:

(i) Alcohol and barbiturates — Increase depression

(ii) Alcohol and antihistamines — Increase drowsiness

(iii) Alcohol and Valium — Increase sedation

(iv) Alcohol and hashish — Decrease co-ordination of thought and action

(v) Alcohol and Aspirin — Damage the mucosa of stomach.

B. Psychedelic (or Hallucinogens):

The drugs cause hallucination (illusion of seeing objects, or hearing of sounds etc., not actually present) and change thoughts, feelings and perceptions of an individual. They include synthetic and natural hallucinogens from hemp plants.

Psychedelic or Hallucinogens

(A) Natural Hallucinogens:

1. LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide):

The most potent hallucinogen is a crystalline amidated alkaloid, obtained from the dried fruiting body (Sclerotium) of the ergot fungus (Claviceps purpurea, a parasitic ascomycetous fungus), parasite over Rye/wheat.

LSD is smoked by the addicts. It causes horrible dreams (or nightmares), hallucinations, floating sensation, chronic psychosis and severe damage to the central nervous system. It may bring about chromosomal and foetal abnormalities. Pathological conditions caused by eating grains affected by ergot are called ergotism. Medically, it is used to induce contraction of involuntary uterine muscles and for stopping haemorrhage etc.

2. Mescaline (Trimethoxyphenethylamine):

It is a white powdery alkaloid, derived from the flowering heads (called mescals) of a small, spineless, peyote or whisky cactus (Lophophora williamsii, found in Southwest United States and Northern Mexico). It causes hallucinations, change in mood, perception reveries (i.e. day dreams), delusions (i.e. false belief) and depersonalization (to lose one’s own reality) etc. It is inhaled or taken orally. It increases blood pressure and body temperature.

3. Psilocybin (or Indocybin):

It is obtained in liquid or powder form, from the fruiting bodies of Mexican mushroom (Psilocybe mexicana). This drug blocks the action of serotonin, of brain tissue, which initiates nerve impulse.

4. Products of Hemp Plant:

(Cannabis indica (Fig. 6 (C).1) and Cannabis sativa and C. Americana). The four drugs, such as bhang, ganja, charas and marijuana are obtained from hemp plant. Hemp plant, a herb, is a native of west and central Asia. It is cultivated and also grows wild in India. The active principle of hemp plant is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

Cannabis Indica

(a) Bhang:

It is obtained from leaves of C. indica. It is taken orally and is a mild, slow acting intoxicant. It is considered as poor man “heroin”. It causes hallucination.

(b) Ganja:

It is obtained from dried, unfertilized flowering tops of the plant. It increases hallucination, when smoked.

(c) Charas:

It is obtained from the leaves and flowering tops of the plant. It is smoked.

(d) Marijuana:

It is derived from the dried flowering tops of the hemp plant. It is smoked. It is very potent.

(e) Hashish:

It is obtained from the drying resins of hemp plant. It is more powerful. The products of hemp plant contain THC along with cannabinon, cannabinine and tetano-cannabinine. These are sedatives or analgesics. The THC induces pleasure, but higher doses causes visual hallucinations, anxiety, depression, psychosis, reddening of eyes, dryness of throat and mouth, drowsiness etc.

Social and Moral Implications:

1. It is considered as a social stigma i.e. a mark of disgrace in the society.

2. Drug addicts are not accepted by friends, collegues and relatives.

3. People avoid and ignore them.

4. The addicts deprieve their families of basic necessities. Their family becomes unhappy and children are likely to turn unsocial.

5. They are considered as inefficient and unreliable workers by the employers.

6. They get themselves involved with smugglers to get drugs from illegal sources and become associated with social evils, corruption and crime.

7. They resort to begging, burrowing or stealing to purchase drugs.

8. They are hated by people and ignored by family members. They do not get moral strength to restrain their children from adopting to drugs.

According to report of WHO, about 500 lacs drug addicts are there in this world. Among them 300 lacs take marijuana, 80 lacs cocaine, 70 lacs consume opium, 7 lacs take heroine and rest use other drugs.
