The following points highlight the six competent committees for dealing with GMOs in India. The committees are: 1. The Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RDAC) 2. The Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) 3. Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC) 4. Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) 5. State Biotechnology Coordination Committee (SBCC) 6. District Level Committee (DLC).

1. The Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RDAC):

This Committee constituted by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of the Union Ministry of Science & Technology is to monitor the developments in biotechnology at national and international levels. The RDAC submits recommendations from time to time that are suitable for implementation for upholding the safety regulations in research and application of GMOs and products thereof.

2. The Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM):

The RCGM is constituted by the DBT to monitor the safety aspects of ongoing research projects and activities involving genetically engineered organisms. The committee is also mandated to bring out Manuals of Guidelines specifying procedures for regulatory process with respect to activities involving genetically, engineered organisms in research, use and application including industry with a view to ensure environmental safety.

All ongoing projects involving high risk category and controlled field experiments shall be reviewed by the RCGM to ensure that adequate precautions and containment conditions are followed. The RCGM can lay down procedures restricting or prohibiting production, sale, importation and use of GMOs.

1. RCGM can approve applications for generating research information on transgenic plants. RCGM can also direct the generation of toxicity, allergenicity and any other relevant data on transgenic materials in appropriate systems.

2. The RCGM can issue clearances for import/export of etiologic agents and vectors, transgenic germplasms including transformed calli, seed and plant parts for research use only.

3. The RCGM can put such conditions as would be required to generate long term environmental safety data from the applicants seeking release of transgenic plants into the open environment.

3. Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC):

This Committee is constituted by the organizations involved in research with GMOs. The committee requires the approval of the DBT. IBSC also has a nominee from the DBT who oversees the activities to ensure that safety aspects in accordance with the safety guidelines are fully adhered to by the organisation.

Every R&D project using GMOs has to have an identified investigator who is required to inform the IBSC about the status and results of the experiments being conducted.

4. Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC):

This Committee functions as a body in the Ministry of Environment & Forests and is responsible for approval of activities involving large scale use of GMOs in research, industrial production and applications. The clearance of GEAC is only from environmental angle under the EPA.

All other relevant laws would apply even though EPA clearance is available for using GMOs and products thereof; for example, drugs made through GMOs would require separate approval for manufacture and use under the Indian Drugs Acts; production of GMOs is also authorised under Indian Industries (Development, and Regulation) Act, and therefore these, clearances are also mandatory. Now, this committee is known as Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee.

5. State Biotechnology Coordination Committee (SBCC):

This Committee, headed by the Chief Secretary of the respective State is constituted in each Indian state where research application of GMOs are contemplated. The Committee has the powers to inspect, investigate and take punitive actions in case of violations of the statutory provisions.

6. District Level Committee (DLC):

This Committee is constituted at the district level to monitor the safety regulations in installations engaged in the use of GMOs in research and applications. The District Collector heads the Committee, who can induct representatives from State agencies to enable the smooth functioning and inspection of the installations with a view to ensure the implementation of safety guidelines while handling GMOs under the Indian EPA.
