In this article we will discuss about the Controversies and Hazards of Genetic Engineering.

Although recombinant DNA technology has played tremendous roles in many aspects, yet it may bring ecological catastrophs and disturb balance of nature. It is difficult to assess the nature’s destruction in ones’ lifetime. It is beyond man’s control as it has vast transformational potential. Sometimes genetic manipulations may be responsible for extensive genetic erosion and destruction of plant germplasm.

Sometimes recombinant DNA technology may release in dangerous materials in the environment. The toxic chemicals produced due to this technology can be used as agents for mass destruction. Accidently unnatural microorganisms may be produced which can destroy the natural environment and thus they can be used in biological warfare.

Possibility is also there that a microbe with a specific degree of resistance might be transformed into a pathogenic form.

As far as the reaction of public towards the use of recombinant DNA genetic engineering is concerned, it is mixed. The production of medicines through the use of genetically engineered organisms, in general, has been welcomed.

But the critics of recombinant DNA fear that disease causing organisms used in some recombinant DNA experiments might generate extremely infectious strains that could cause epidemics worldwide. To prevent such an occurrence, The National Institute of Health (NIH) in USA has passed regulations restricting use of pathogenic organisms in recombinant DNA experiments.

According to Animal rights, the production of transgenic animals is harmful to other animals and the interbreeding between genetically engineered and non-engineered fishes may change the characteristics of wild fishes in unpredictable and undesirable way. Some experts fear that the engineered fishes may compete with wild fishes for food and they may even replace wild form in some areas.

The critics of recombinant DNA question the use of genetically engineered bovine somatotropin (BST), a hormone which is injected to increase the yield of milk in cows. In Canada EST cannot be sold legally since 1999 because BST causes health problems for cows.

Canadian scientists found that BST could cause mastitis or infection of udder in cows, lameness and infertility. Nevertheless, a large percentage of dairy cows are treated with BST in USA.

Genetically modified crops or transgenic plants also present controversial issues. Allergens can be transferred from one food crop to another through genetic engineering. Brazil nuts contain an allergenic protein. In an attempt to increase nutritional value of soybeans, a genetic engineering company transferred a gene from Brazil-nut into soybean plant which directed increased synthesis of an essential amino-acid methionine.

However, when scientists found that genetically engineered soybeans caused allergy in people sensitive to Brazils nuts, the project was cancelled.

The critics of genetic engineering warn that genetically modified food crops could result in some unforeseen problems. They quote a report on 1999 study that found that genetically engineered com produced pollen that killed caterpillar larvae of monarch butterfly in laboratory.

As a precaution the Environmental Protection Agency in United States passed a regulation in January 2000 to reduce potential risks posed by Transgenic corn crop.

Many developing and European countries have expressed concern about the health and environmental hazards associated with genetically engineered food imported from United States and other countries. 130 nations have prepared the protocol of Biosafety in 2000.

Once ratified, the treaty will require exporting countries to notify importing countries that the products contain genetically modified organisms including seeds, food crops, cattle and fruit trees.

It is, therefore, necessary that any genetically engineered product must undergo proper evaluation before being allowed into the market. India has a fairly rigorous system of evaluation that is one of the most stringent in the world. The products are evaluated for environmental and food safety.

The nodal agencies for approval of genetically modified products are the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and the Ministry of Environment through various committees. Some of the main committees for the purpose are Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM), Monitoring cum Evaluation Committee (MEC) and Genetic Engineering Approval Committee.

Several recombinant DNA products in health care are already approved and available to consumers and several products are presently under trials.