In this article we will discuss about the meaning of DNA microarray.

DNA microarray is a new technology to monitor the whole genome on a single chip so that researchers can have a better image of the interactions among thousands of genes simultaneously. The new genome chip is preferred to monitor the whole genome on a single chip. DNA Microarray will allow scientist to assess the genetic status of an entire organ. Until recently, analysis of RNA in cells was painstaking and time-consuming.

In 1991, researchers from Stanford University developed a new technology adapted from the microchip used by the computer industry. This microchip is a potent tool in monitoring changes in level of gene expression of thousands of genes from any biological origin. The theory behind gene chip is simple, where RNA molecule combined with its DNA template contained within a particular cell.

Once cDNA is produced, in the laboratory, which is then exposed to the DNA chip because cDNA binds with its complementary. The message molecules recognise and attach to the spots on the chip corresponding to the DNA template. These message molecules have been targeted with fluorescent dyes so that scientist can see pattern of genes being expressed at any particular time.

It is possible to compare spot with region of the gene not being expressed. The chip is made up of glass microscopic slide, 7.62 centimeters by 2.54 cm and about 1.7 millimeter thick. Sample of DNA microarray in the form of spots are printed on the slide using a procedure similar to the one used to print computer chips.

The DNA spots easily adhere to the slide. Each spot represents a gene. The DNA spot is either fully sequenced genes of known function or collection of partially sequenced unknown genes. The chip manufacturing by printing or spotting is carried out by a machine called an arrazer.

Most arrays are featuring high speed robotic arm fitted with a number of pins. The arm is controlled by software that allows placement of genes in select areas and configurations on the glass slide to generate cDNA microarray chip. Computer can keep track of the location of each gene on the gene chip.
