In this article we will discuss about Calyx in plants:- 1. Meaning of Calyx 2. Forms of Calyx.

Meaning of Calyx:

The outer whorl of perianth consisting of sepals is called calyx.

1. Polysepalous:

When calyx lobes or sepals are free, e.g., Cassia.

2. Gamosepalous:

When calyx lobes or sepals are fused or united, e.g., Datura.

3. Caducous:

When sepals wither or drop off very soon, e.g., poppy.

4. Persistent:

When sepals persist even in the fruit, e.g., Solanum nigrum.

5. Petalloid:

When sepals are coloured, e.g., Delphinium.

Forms of Calyx:

Forms of Calyx

Calyx may be of following types:

1. Tabular:

Like a tube, e.g., Nicotiana.

2. Urceolate:

Un-shaped, e.g., Hyoscyamus.

3. Cupulate:

Cup-like, e.g., Gossypium.

4. Infundibuliform:

Funnel-shaped, e.g., Atropa belladona.

5. Campanulate:

Bell-shaped, e.g., Lathyrus odoratus.

6. Bilabiate:

Consisting of two lips, e.g., Ocimum.

7. Spurred:

When one or more sepals are produced into spur, e.g., Delphinium.

8. Pappus:

Reduced and hairy, as in Asteraceae.
