Here is a list of top twelve evergreen trees: 1. Magnolia grandiflora 2. Michelia champaca 3. Morus alba 4. Ficus benghalensis 5. Terminalia belerica 6. Casuarina equisetifolia 7. Eugenia Jambolana 8. Eucalyptus Citriodora 9. Callistemon Lanceolatus 10. Psidium guajava 11. Guazuma ulmifolia 12. Theobroma cacoa.

Evergreen Tree # 1. Magnolia grandiflora L.:

It is a medium, evergreen tree with branched tap root system. (Fig. 1)


Aerial, Erect, Branched, Woody and solid.


Simple, Alternate, Stipulate, Large stipules covering the bud, Petiolate, Apex acute, Margin entire, Unicostate reticulate venation.


Solitary, Generally terminal.


Ebracteate, Ebracteolate, Complete, Actinomorphic, Bisexual, Hypogynous, Spirocyclic, Thalamus elongated, Cone shaped, Flowers White and scented.


9 or more Tepals in 3 whorls of 3 each, Valvate.


Indefinite in number, Polyandrous, Spirally arranged on thalamus, Anthers dithecous, Introrse dehiscing longitudinally.


Multicarpellary, Apocarpous, Spirally arranged on thalamus; Ovary superior, Unilocular with two ovules on marginal placenta, Style short and stigma beaked.


Etaerio of follicles.

Floral Formula

Magnolia grandiflora

Evergreen Tree # 2. Michelia champaca L.:

A Small evergreen tree with branched tap root (Fig. 2.)

Stem: Aerial, erect, branched, Solid and woody.

Leaf: Simple, Alternate, Stipulate, Stipules convolute, Petiolate, Ovate- lanceolate, Apex acute, Margin entire, Coriaceous, Multicostate reticulate. Venation.

Inflorescence: Solitary Axillary.

Flower: Bracteate. Bracteolate, Pedicellate, Spirocyclic, Actinomorphic, Bisexual, Hypogynous, Large and fragrent.

Calyx: 4 Sepals, Polysepalous, green.

Corolla: 12 Petals, Polypetalous, 3 whorls of 4 each, Outer whorl valvate and inner whorls twisted; Large, Pale yellow and deciduous.

Androecium: Indefinite number of stamens, Polyandrous, Spirally arranged on thalamus, Filaments short, Anthers basifixed, Dithecous, Extrorse and dehisces longitudinally.

Gynoecium: Multicarpellary, Apocarpous, Arranged spirally on conical thalamus, Ovary superior, Unilocular with marginal placentation, Style curved and stigma beaked.

Fruit: Etaerio of Follicles.

Floral Formula

Michelia champaca

Evergreen Tree # 3. Morus alba L. (Mulberry, Shahtoot)

A medium sized evergreen tree with branched tap root (Fig. 3)

Stem: Branched, Woody, Erect, with Alternate, Leaves Simple, Petiolated (Fig. 4)

Inflorescence: Catkin.

Flower: Sessile, Ebracteate, Unisexual, Actinomorphic, Tetramerous, Hypogynous.

Male flower:

Perianth: 4 Tepals, Polyphyllous in 2 whorls of 2 each, Imbricate.

Androecium: 4 Stamens, Antitepalous, Polyandrous, Long filaments, Anthers basifixed, Dithecous and introrse.

Gynoecium: Sterile or reduced pistillode.

Floral Formula

Female flower:

Perianth: 4 Tepals, Polyphyllous, 2 whorls of two each, Imbricate.

Androecium: Absent.

Gynoecium: Bicarpellary Syncarpous, Superior, One pendulous ovule.

Floral Formula

Fruit: Sorosis

Morus alba


Evergreen Tree # 4. Ficus benghalensis L. (Banyan or Bargad):

Large evergreen tree with horizontally spreading branches. Aerial roots are also present (Fig. 4)


Erect, Branched, Solid, Glabrous and woody, Milky latex present throughout the plants.


Evergreen, Simple, Alternate, Petiolate, Exstipulate, Leaves coriaceous, Glabrescent above and glabrous or pubescent beneath, Unicostate reticulate venation.


Hypanthodium; Axillary, Globose, Sessile, Red when ripe.


Three types of very minute flowers i.e., male, female and gall or neutral flower, present on the inner walls of fleshy receptacular cavity.

Male flower:

Perianth: 4 minute Tepals, Polyphyllous in two whorls of two each,. Imbricate.

Androecium: 1-3 Stamens, Anther dithecous, Versatile.

Floral Formula

Female flower:

Perianth: 4 very minute tepals, Polyphyllous, in two whorls of two each, Imbricate.

Androecium: Absent

Gynoecium: 2 medianly placed carpels out of which one is abortive.

Ovary superior with one pendulous curved ovule, Style stout, Stigma dilated upward.

Floral Formula

Gall flower: These are sterile flowers.

Fruit: Syconous.

 Ficus benghalensis

Evergreen Tree # 5. Terminalia belerica (Indian almond, Harr)

Large evergreen tree, Woody, Branched, Simple, Sessile, Alternate or Subopposite leaves. Glands present at the base of lamina.

Inflorescence: Spike, Polygamous often male flowers at the apex and bisexual flowers towards the base. Generally male flowers are stalked and Bisexual flowers are sessile.

Flowers: Actinomorphic, Polygamodioecious, Apetalous, Pentamerous, Epigynous.

Calyx: Calyx tube adnate to ovary, 5 lobed.

Corolla: Absent

Androecium: 10 Stamens in two whorls of 5 each, Nectar disc present at the base of stamens; Stamen bent inwards in the bud; Anther dithecous, Introrse, Dehiscing longitudinally.

Gynoecium: 2-5 Carpellary, Syncarpous, Ovary inferior, Unilocular, 2-3 anatropous ovules, Style terminal, Stigma filiform.

Fruit: Drupe; Ovoid or ellipsoid, one seeded.

Floral Formula:

Floral Formula

Terminalia belerica

Evergreen Tree # 6. Casuarina equisetifolia L.:

Commonly called Beef Wood Tree. It is also a evergreen tree, woody profusely branched tree (Fig. 15).

Casuarina equisetifolia


Woody, Hard, Jointed, Branched, Branches drooping and striated, Internodes short, Striated grooves as many as leaves, Large rays present in the wood.


Alternate whorls of scaly leaves, Connate basally forming sheath.


Monoecious, Flowers arranged in catkin-like spikes, Male flowers in spikes while female in heads.


Bracteate, Unisexual, Perianth absent, Actinomorphic, Dimerous, Hypogynous.

Male flower:

Spike at the end of branches. Each with 4 obovate serrately margined bracteoles in whorls arising form leaf sheaths.


Single stamen Anthers, Dithecous (4 celled), Basifixed. Gynoecium: Absent.

Female Flower:

Heads at the tip of branchlets. Bracteolate, 2 bracteoles enclosing naked flower.

Perianth: Absent

Androecium: Absent


2 Carpels, Syncarpous, Superior, Bilocular or Trilocular, Two ovules inserted above the base of ovary, Parietal placentation, Style one short, Stigma long bifid.


One seeded winged Samara enclosed by 2 woody bracteoles aggregate cone like multiple unit.

Floral Formula:

Floral Formula

Evergreen Tree # 7. Eugenia Jambolana Lank. (Syn. Syzygium cuminii(L):

Commonly known as Black berry, Jamun. It is an evergreen tree with erect woody branched, thick, solid stem (Fig 16).

Eugenia Jambolana


Exstipulate, Petiolate, Simple, Opposite, Ovate or ovate lanceolate, Leathery shining, Unicostate reticulate venation.


Small flowers born on short branches of lateral Panicles.


Bracteate, Actinomorphic, Bisexual, Tetramerous, Epigynous.


4 sepals, Gamosepalous, Calyx tube adnate to ovary.


4 Petals, Polypetalous, Concave or connate at the base, Cohering, Falls off at opening of flower.


Indefinite stamen Polyandrous, many whorls, longer than petals, inserted around the mouth of calyx tube, folded in bud, Anther dithecous, Extrorse.


Bicarpally, Syncarpous, Inferior, Bilocular, Axile placentation, Ovule campylotropous.



Floral Formula

Evergreen Tree # 8. Eucalyptus Citriodora Hook.:

A Tall evergreen tree with smooth shining stem which is Woody, Branched, Cylindrical and Solid. (Fig. 17)

Eucalyptus Citriodora


Petiolate, Exstipulate, Lanceolate, Gland dotted, Unicostate reticulate. Inflorescence: Umbellate Cymose.


Bracteate, Pedicellate, Actinomorphic, Bisexual, Epigynous, Pentamerous, Small.


4-5 Sepals, Gamosepalous, Totally fused. Forms a cap with petals called Calyptra, Gland dotted.


4-5 Petals, Gamopetalous, Totally fused forming a cap called calyptra. It falls off on the opening of flower.


∞ Stamen, Polyandrous attached to the rim of calyx tube. Folded inwards in the bud, Anthers ditheous, Introrse.


Tricarpellary, Syncarpous, Inferior, Trilocular, Axile placentation, Style one long, Stigma minute.



Floral Formula

Evergreen Tree # 9. Callistemon Lanceolatus DC. (Sym. Callistemon Citrinus Curtis):

Commonly called Bottle brush., Small evergreen Tree with slender, drooping branches. (Fig. 18 A-C)

Callistemon Lanceolatus


Simple, Petiolate, Exstipulate, Lanceolate, Unicostate reticulate venation, Gland dotted.


Pendent Terminal spike.


Sessile, Bracteate, Bisexual, Actinomorphic, Epigynous, Pentamerous.


5 Sepals, Gamosepalous, green adnate to ovary wall. Imbricate.


5 Petals, Polypetalous, Small, Quincuncial aestivation.


∞ Stamens, Polyandrous, Arranged in several whorls, Inward in bud, Filaments long brightly coloured, Connate at the base, Staminal sheath, Anthers small, Versatile, Extrorse.


3-4 Carpels, Syncarpous, Ovary inferior, Number of locules equal to number of carpels, Axile placentation, Style long curved, Stigma flat.



Floral Formula

Evergreen Tree # 10. Psidium guajava L.

Commonly called guava or Amrood. Evergreen Tree with Erect, Solid, Branched, Stem. (Fig. 18 D-F)

Psidium guajava


Exstipulate, Simple, Short Petiolate, Gland dotted, Aromatic, Opposite decussate, Ovate or oblong, Unicostate reticulate.


Solitary axillary.


Bracteate, Bracteolate, Pedicellate, Actinomorphic, Bisexual, Epigynous, Pentamerous. Disc is present.


5 Sepals, Gamosepalous, Reduced, Imbricate, Forms a cap like structure on corolla.


5 Petals, Polypetalous, Imbricate.


∞ Stamens, Polyandrous, Inserted at the rim of Calyx cap. Folded inwards in bud, Anthers Dithecous, Extrorse.


Pentacarpellary, Syncarpous, Inferior, Pentalocular. Many ovules in each locule, Axile placentation.



Floral Formula

Evergreen Tree # 11. Guazuma ulmifolia Lam:

A medium sized evergreen tree with about 15 m. height, Woody (Fig. 22).

Guazuma ulmifolia


Stipulate, Stipules free Lateral, Simple, Alternate, Petiolate, Lanceolate, Coriaceous, Unicostate reticulate.


Axillary or Terminal cyme.


Bracteate, Actinomorphic, Bisexual, Pentamerous, Hypogynous.


5 Sepals, Polysepalous, Valvate.


5 petals, Polypetalous, Obovate, Twisted, Petals with two long, Narrow, Forked, Star shaped, apical appendages.


15 Stamen, Connate in a tubular Column, Making 5 fascicles, on staminal column. Each fascicle with 3 anthers in the inner whorl, alternating with 5 staminodes of outer whorl. Anther dithecous.


Pentacarpellary, Syncarpous, Superior, Pentalocular, Axile placentation.


Capsule globular, woody, Tuberculated.

Floral Formula

Evergreen Tree # 12. Theobroma cacoa:

An evergreen tree with branched, Pubescent stem. (Fig. 23 D-H)

Theobroma cacoa


Simple, Alternate, Petiolate, Deciduous stipules, Elliptic, Oblong Leathery.


Cymose, Cauliflorous.


Ebracteate, Pedicellate, Drooping, Actinomorphic, Bisexual, Pentamerous, Hypogynous, Cyclic.


5 Sepals, Polysepalous, Valvate, Red.


5 Petals, Polypetalous, Hooded at the base. The two lobes connected by a thin coiled strip, Imbricate.


10 Stamens. Two whorls of 5 each, 5 Stamens and 5 staminodes, Monadelphous, Inner antepetalous stamens,


Pentacarpellay, Syncarpous, Superior Pentalocular, Axile placentation, Ovary wall glandular.


Elliptic Ovoid, Large drupe.

Floral Formula
