Learn about the comparison between Arecaceae and Liliaceae.

Comparison # Arecaceae (Palmaceae):

1. Habit-Tall trees, shrubby or prickly scramblers (Calamus).

2. Leaves-Large, usually pinnately or-palmately compound, rarely simple, deeply cleft and pelicate, leaf-base sheathing, exstipulate.

3. Inflorescence-Usually fleshy spadix, simple or in spikate or paniculate clusters.

4. Flower-Sessile, regular, usually unisexual, sometimes bisexual (Livistona), hypogynous, trimerous.

5. Perianth-6, in two whorls, free or connate.

6. Androecium-Stamen 6, free, in two whorls, sometimes only 3 (Nipa).

7. Gynoecium-Carpels 3, syncarpous, rarely apocarpous (Phoenix) ovary superior, uni-or trilocular, axile placentation.

8. Fruit-Berry or drupe (Cocos).

Comparison # Liliaceae:

1. Habit-Usually herbs, rarely shrubs or trees, occasionally climbers (Smilax).

2. Leaves-Radical or cauline, simple, sessile, sheathing leaf-base, venation parallel, rarely reticulate (Smilax). Usually exstipulate, rarely stipulate (Smilax).

3. Inflorescence-Raceme, panicle or corymbose umbel or corymbose cyme.

4. Flower-Pedicellate, regular, rarely zygomorphic (Gilliesia), bisexual, rarely unisexual (Smilax), trimerous.

5. Perianth-6, in two whorls, gamophyllous, sometimes free (Tulipa).

6. Androecium-Stamens 6, in two whorls, free, rarely only 3 stamens. (Ruscus), epiphyllous.

7. Gynoecium-Carpels 3, syncarpous, ovary superior, trilocular, axile placentation..

8. Fruit-Capsule or berry (Asparagus).
