Archive | Monocotyledons

Primary Tissues in Monocotyledonous Stem | Plants

In the stem of monocot there exist three tissue systems —dermal, vascular and ground tissues, which consist of epidermis, vascular bundles and all tissues except the former two respectively. A brief account of the arrangement and structure is given below. Epidermis: Epidermis is more or less like dicots. In contrast to dicot stem, the epidermis is usually devoid of glandular [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:55:50+00:00December 12, 2016|Monocotyledons|Comments Off on Primary Tissues in Monocotyledonous Stem | Plants

Comparison between Poaceae and Cyperaceae

Learn about the comparison between Poaceae and Cyperaceae. Comparison # Poaceae (Gramineae): 1. Stem-Cylindrical, hollow, (except Maize and Sugarcane), with nodes. 2. Leaves-Simple, alternate, ligulate, Sheath split open. 3. Flower-Flowers subtended by two glumes. 4. Scales-Glumes, lemma, palaea. 5. Perianth-Represented by 2-3 lodicules. 6. Stamens-Normally 3, rarely 3+3, versatile. 7. Pistil-Monocarpellary, one loculed, one ovuled. 8. Fruit-Caryopsis. 9. Floral formula- [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:16:29+00:00August 30, 2016|Monocotyledons|Comments Off on Comparison between Poaceae and Cyperaceae

Comparison between Arecaceae and Liliaceae

Learn about the comparison between Arecaceae and Liliaceae. Comparison # Arecaceae (Palmaceae): 1. Habit-Tall trees, shrubby or prickly scramblers (Calamus). 2. Leaves-Large, usually pinnately or-palmately compound, rarely simple, deeply cleft and pelicate, leaf-base sheathing, exstipulate. 3. Inflorescence-Usually fleshy spadix, simple or in spikate or paniculate clusters. 4. Flower-Sessile, regular, usually unisexual, sometimes bisexual (Livistona), hypogynous, trimerous. 5. Perianth-6, in two [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:16:29+00:00August 30, 2016|Monocotyledons|Comments Off on Comparison between Arecaceae and Liliaceae
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