Learn about the comparison between Musaceae and Zingiberaceae.

Comparison # Musaceae:

1. Flower-May be unisexual, bisexual or zygomorphic.

2. Perianth-6, in two whorls or not distinct, petaloid.

3. Stamens-6, 5, only fertile, the sixth, sterile one not distinguishable as a petaloid staminode.

4. Carpel-Carpels— (3); ovary trillocular, ∞ ovules, placentation axile.

5. Style-Simple.

6. Stigma-Lobed or capitate.

7. Fruit-Berry or capsule.

8. Seed-With mealy endosperm. No aril.

Comparison # Zingiberaceae:

1. Flower-Bisexual, zygomorphic.

2. Perianth-6, in two whorls of 3 each, usually the outer green and inner coloured.

3. Stamens-6, in two whorls of three each, one (posterior stamen of the inner whorl) fertile and functional; 1 (anterior stamen of the outer whorl) suppressed; the remaining 4 are modified into petaloid staminodes, the two staminodes of the inner whorl, however fuse to form labellum.

4. Carpel-Carpel (3); ovary 1-3 locular, placentation axile or parietal.

5. Style-Narrow and slender, lies in groove of the fertile stamen.

6. Stigma-Variable.

7. Fruit-Capsule.

8. Seed-Arillate, endospermic.
