Learn about the comparison between Liliaceae and Musaceae.

Comparison # Liliaceae:

1. Habit-Generally perennial herbs, rarely shrubs or trees and occasionally climber (Smilax).

2. Root-Adventitious, fibrous, sometime tuberous (Asparagus).

3. Stem-Herbaceous or woody aerial or underground (rhizome or bulbs) aerial, erect or climbing; in Ruscus and Asparagus, branches modified into leaf-like phylloclades.

4. Leaf-Radical or cauline, simple, sessile, sheathing leaf-base, parallel venation, rarely reticulate (Smilax), exstipulate or stipulate (Smilax).

5. Inflorescence-Raceme, panicle or corymbose umbel or corymbose cyme.

6. Flower-Pedicellate, regular, rarely zygomorphic (Gilliesia), bisexual, unisexual (Smilax), trimerous, hypogynous.

7. Perianth-6, in two whorls, gamophyllous, sometimes free (Tulipa).

8. Androecium-Stamens 6, in two whorls, free, rarely only 3 stamens (Ruscus), epiphyllous, inferior.

9. Gynoecium-Carpels 3, syncarpous, ovary superior, trilocular, axile placentation, ovules many.

10. Fruit-Capsule or berry.

11. Seed-Small, endospermic.

Comparison # Musaceae:

1. Habit-Usually perennial herbs, rarely trees (Ravenala).

2. Root-Adventitious.

3. Stem-Underground. In Musa, the so called apparent erect stem is formed by long stiff leaf-sheaths, which are rolled around one another.

4. Leaf-Simple, large, spiral unicostate parallel, entire or lamina splits, leaf-sheath rolled up and overlapping, exstipulate.

5. Inflorescence-Terminal pendulous spike or panicle subtended by bright coloured or green spathe-lake bracts.

6. Flower-Large, often coloured unsexual (Musa) or bisexual (Ravenala) zygomorphic, epigynous, trimerous.

7. Perianth-6, arranged in 2 whorls, free or united, petaloid; in (Musa), the perianth lobes of the outer and inner whorls except the inner medium are united, forming a tube.

8. Androecium-Stamens 6, free, usually 6 functional, 6th absent or rudimentary.

9. Gynoecium-Carpels 3, syncarpous, ovary inferior, 3-locular, ovules many, axile placentation.

10. Fruit-Berry or capsule, indehiscent or dehiscent.

11. Seed-Hard arillate (Ravenala) non-endospermic.
