The following points highlight the top eight chronological events in the progress of biology. The chronological events are: 1. Tools and Techniques 2. Systematics 3. Cells and Tissues 4. Embryology 5. Distribution.

Chronological Event # 1. Tools and Techniques:

1590—Dutch spectacles makers Janssen and Janssen are credited with building first successful microscope.

1665—Robert Hooke improvised the microscopes (Fig. 6.2) and drew attention to the world of minute organisms.

Microscope Used by Hooke

1878—Brandt demonstrated that cer­tain stains or dyes have the property of being incorporated in the living cells. He called them vital stains.

1895—Rontgen discovered the X-rays. Application of X-rays made advances in Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics.

1911— Carrel developed tissue culture technique by growing live tissue outside the body of the animal.

1912— Kite began microsurgical stu­dies by devising micromanipulators.

1923—Hevesay utilised isotopes of che­mical elements for tracing fate of mole­cules in living system.

1932—Construction of emission type of electron microscope by Knoll and Ruska.

1938—Svedberg developed ultra-centri­fuge.

Chronological Event # 2. Systematics:

1665—Discovery of protozoa Leeu­wenhoek. It enlarged the concept of animal kingdom.

1693—Concept of genus and species on similarity of form was advocated by John Ray.

1758—Binomial system of nomencla­ture was introduced by Linnaeus.

1848—Status of protozoa and its uni­cellular nature was determined by Sie- hold.

1864—Modern zoological classification and development of basic divisions were introduced by Haeckel.

Chronological Event # 3. Cells and Tissues:

1658—Description of cell (RBC of frog) was given by Swammerdam.

1665—Robert Hooke first used the term cell.

1800—Classification of tissue (21 diff­erent types) was made by Bichat.

1824—Cell division was first described by Prevost from cleavage division in frog’s egg.

1831—Nucleus of plant cells was named and described by Robert Brown.

1835—Description of Sarcode (proto­plasm) as the basis of life was made by Dujardin.

1838-39—Schwann and Schleiden advo­cated the cell doctrine.

1846—The name protoplasm was given by Hugo von Mohl.

1848—First description of chromosomes and drawings of pollen mother cell was done by Hofmeister.

1858-—Doctrine of germinal continuity was expressed by Virchow in his motto— Omnis cellula e cellula.

1875-—Mitosis was described by Strats- burger.

1882—Counts of chromosomes were done by Flemming.

1887—Meiosis was predicted by Weiss- mann.

1898—Mitochondria and Golgi appara­tus was named by Benda and Golgi respectively.

1934—^Isolation and analysis of mito­chondria was done by Bensley and Hoerr.

1952— Detailed structure of mitochon­dria with the aid of electron microscope was done by Palade.

1953— DNA as a double helix was proved by Watson and Crick.

1953—Detailed structure of endoplasmic reticulum was given by Porter.

1956—Revision of the count of human chromosome, i.e., diploid-46 in place of 48 was done by Tijo and Levan.

Chronological Event # 4. Embryology:

1651—Concept of continuity of life was given by Harvey—Omne vivum ex ovo (All life from egg).

1672—Description of ovarian follicle was made by Graff.

1745—Parthenogenesis was described by Bonnet.

1759—Theory of epigenesis was advo­cated by Wolff overthrowing the concept of preformation.

1817—Recognition of three germ layers in chick was made by Pander which later was extended by Von Baer to all verte­brates.

1827—Mammalian ovum was discover­ed by Von Baer.

1854—Description of entrance of sperm into ovum was given by Newport.

1875—Union of male and female nu­clear material in fertilization was shown by O. Hertwig.

1885—Cleavage dividing the zygote of frog into cells was described by Roux.

1885—Germplasm theory was advocat­ed by Weismann.

1897—Influence of the, yolk present in an egg was demonstrated by O. Hertwig.

1897—Successful heteroplastic grafting was conducted by Born.

1900—Artificial fertilization was con­ducted by Loeb.

1911—Axial gradient theory was pro­posed by Child.

1914—Role of fertilizin in fertilization was established by Lillie.

1921—Organiser concept was introduc­ed by Spemann.

1933—Embryological inductor concept was presented by Holtfreter.

1936—Artificial parthenogenesis in rab­bit was done by Pincus.

Chronological Event # 5. Distribution:

1858—Zoogeographical realms were re­cognised by Sclater.

1860—Line of faunal delimitation bet­ween the Oriental and Australian zoogeo­graphical realm was made by Wallace.

1894—Life zone concept was advocated by Merriam.

1935—The concept of ecosystem was proposed by Tansley.

Chronological Event # 6. Palaeontology:

1669—Fossils as organic remains was recognised by Stensen.

1791—Correlation between geological strata and fossils was made by Smith.

1796—Vertebrate palaeontology was started by Cuvier.

1830—Lyell’s book ‘The principle of Geology’ brought relation between Zoo­logy and Geology

1923—Discovery of fossilized eggs of Dinosaurs from Mongolia was made by Chapman.

Chronological Event # 7. Genetics:

1866—Mendel’s laws of genetics came to light.

1866—Nuclear control of inheritance was foreshadowed by Haeckel.

1883—Chromosome control of inherit­ance was proposed by Roux without any experimental verification.

1900—Rediscovery of Mendel’s laws was made by De Vries, Gorrens and Tshermark.

1902—Discovery of X-chromosome was made by McClung and its significance in sex-determination was hinted at.

1506—Linkage groups in sweet pea was discovered by Bateson and Punnet.

1909—Origin of terms—gene, genotype and phenotype was made by Johannsen.

1909— Crossing over as a genetic process was observed by Janssens. Twenty years later Morgan proposed the theory of cross­ing over.

1910- 1920—Morgan established the gene theory of inheritance.

1910—Discovery of sex-linked inherit­ance was made by Morgan.

1913—First chromosome map was made by Sturtevant.

1925—Sex-determination by environ­mental factor was demonstrated by Baltzar in Bonellia.

1927—Artificial increase in mutation rate was demonstrated by Muller in Drosophila.

1931—Exchange of genes during cross­ing over was demonstrated by Stern.

1933—Giant salivary gland chromo­somes were rediscovered in Drosophila by Painter and others.

1935—Target theory of mechanism of gene mutation was established by Ressovsky.

1941—Biochemical mutation was pro­duced in Neurospora by Beadle and Tatum. They were awarded Nobel Prize in 1958.

1943—Plasmagenc inheritance in Para- moecium was demonstrated by Sonneborn.

1949—Genetic control of protein struc­ture in animals was shown by Pauling.

Chronological Event # 8. Evolution:

1693—Concept of a species was provided by John Ray.

1809—Theory of use and disuse by Lamarck.

1830—Biogenetic law of Von Baer.

1859— Theory of natural selection of Darwin.

1860— Spontaneous generation was dis­proved by Pasteur.

1874—Gastrea theory of metazoan an­cestry and recapitulation theory of Haec­kel.

1901—Mutation theory of De Vries.

1932— Effect of genetic drift on small population was outlined by Swell Wright.

1933— Heterotroph theory of origin of life of Haldane and Oparin.

1953—Laboratory demonstration of for­mation of organic substances by Urey and Miller.
