In this article we will discuss about the structure of nyctotherus. This will also help you to draw the structure and diagram of nyctotherus.
1. Endoparasites in the rectum of vertebrates and intestine of some invertebrates.
2. Body somewhat bean-shaped and bears uniform ciliation all over.
3. Cytoplasm well differentiated into ectoplasm and granular endoplasm.
4. The ectoplasm is having oblique rows of myonemes.
5. Endoplasm is having a large and somewhat kidney-shaped macronucieus, a small micronucleus attached to it, a large eccentric contractile vacuole and numerous small food vacuoles.
6. On one side it bears a deep oral groove which, near the middle of the animal, communicates through a wide cytostome continuing into a deep and coiled tube-the cytopharynx.
7. Near the posterior end is present a small cytopyge or the anus.
8. The oral groove bears rows of aborai cilia and cytopharynx bears undulating membrane.
9. Nutrition is generally saprozoic.
10. It reproduces through multiple fission, encystment and conjugation.