In this article we will discuss about the structure of noctiluca. This will also help you to draw the structure and diagram of noctiluca.


1. Marine and pelagic form abundantly found near sea shore and imparting reddish colour to sea water in day.

2. Body round and somewhat ball like.

3. Body enclosed in a smooth cellulose envelope which shows hexagonal patterns.

4. Chromatophores are green and the nutrition is holozoic.

5. Shows phosphorescence by emitting greenish light at night.

6. The body gives off, above, a collar like cytopharynx at the floor of which is present a sulcus, which gives off a small flagellum and a large tentacle. The flagellum helps in food capturing and tentacle helps in locomotion.

7. Near the cytopharynx lies a nucleus and a mass of protoplasm.

8. Cytoplasm gives of a vacuolated appearance.

9. From the central mass of protoplasm radiates numerous strands.

10. Asexual reproduction occurs through fission and sexual through syngamy.