In this article we will discuss about the structure of entamoeba. This will also help you to draw the structure and diagram of entamoeba.


(1) It is an endoparasite in the intestine of human beings and causes dysentery.

(2) Body irregular in outline and without exoskeleton but with a definite membranous covering of lipoprotein.

(3) Cytoplasm differentiated into ectoplasm and endoplasm.

(4) Endoplasm contains a large nucleus having a nucleolus but no vacuoles.

(5) Pseudopodia is single large, blunt and lobate.

(6) Nutrition heterotrophic or saprozoic.

(7) Infection occurs through contamination of food and utensils by the tetra nucleate cysts.

(8) Reproduction through fission and encystment.