In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Characters of Primulaceae 2. Distribution of Primulaceae 3. Economic Importance 4. Affinities 5. Important Types.
Characters of Primulaceae:
Herbaceous habit, gamopetalous corolla, single whorl of stamens opposite the corolla lobes; unilocular ovary with free-central placentation; fruit dehiscent capsule, seeds numerous and endospermic.
A. Vegetative characters:
Perennial or annual herbs.
Tap or adventitious.
Corms, tuber or rhizome, in aerial stem internodes suppressed, so the leaves are radical in dense clusters.
Simple, exstipulate, alternate, opposite or whorled, sometimes radical frequently glandular; pinnately dissected in the aquatic-Hottonia.
B. Floral character:
Umbellate, racemose or spicate or solitary.
Actinomorphic, very seldom zygomorphic, hermaphrodite, pentamerous, bracteate, hypogynous or very rarely semiepigynous.
Sepcels 5, rarely 4-9 lobed gamosepalous, foliaceous, persistent, imbricate.
Petals 5 rarely 4 or more than 5; gamopetalous, 5 pentite, tubular or rotate, funnel shaped or companulate, imbricate or contorted.
Stamens 5 rarely 4 or more than 5, inserted in corolla tube and opposite to corolla lobes, (obdipolstemonous); filament usually short, free, anthers bithecous, introrse.
Carpels 5, syncarpous, ovary superior, very varely half inferior, unilocular, free-central placentation; ovules many amphitropious to semi-anatropous, bitegmic, style long or short, stigma entire, minute.
Capsule dehiscing transversely.
Small endosperm abundant fleshy or horny.
Floral formula:
Distribution of Primulaceae:
Primrose family comprises of 28 genera and 800 species distributed mostly in the temperate and mountainous region of the northern hemisphere, many are artic and alpine.
Economic Importance of Primulaceae:
Economic importance of the family is practically none. Ornamentals-Anagallis arvensis, Centunculus tenullus, Primula sinensis etc. are cultivated as garden ornamentals.
1. Dye:
Lysimachla vulgaris is a used as febrifuge and yields a yellow dye.
2. Poisonous:
Large tubers of Cyclamen europeum are poisonous if taken uncooked.
Affinities of Primulaceae:
Primulaceae resembles Caryophyllaceaw in having same type of gynoecium and free-central placentation. As concluded by Douglas (1936) (and in essence by Dickson (1936) reduced flower of the Phimulaceae has descended from an ancestor which was characterised by a plurilocular ovary and axile placentation. This primitive flower might well be found in centrospermal stock, as Wernham, Bessey and Hutchinson, have suggested.
Common plants of the family:
1. Anagalis arvensis – Annuel herb with gland dotted leaves and true flowers.
2. Centunculus tenellus – very small annual.
3. Primula umbellans – herb with small red or white flowers.
Division of the family & chief genera:
Tribe I: Primuleae:
Ovary superior, capsule with valvular dehiscence. Genera. Primula, Androsace. etc.
Tribe II: Cyclamineae:
Ovary superior, capsule valvular. Petals inflexed. Plants with corm. Genus: Cyclomen only.
Tribe III: Lysimachieae:
Fruit and ovary as above but capsule with circumssile dehiscence; corolla lobes contorted Genera, Lysimachia, Trientalis etc.
Tribe IV: Samoleae:
Ovary semi-inferior, Genus: Samolus only.
Table V: Corideae:
Flowers Zygomorphic; calyx spiny. Genus: Coris.
Important Type of Primulaceae:
Anagallis arvensis (Fig. 71.1):
An annual, glabrous procombent herb.
Tap root.
Hebaceous branching from base.
Ovate or lanceolate, acute, opposite, sessile, gland-dotted.
Solitary axillary, erect.
Bracteate, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, hypogynous, pentamerous, blue.
Sepals 5, gamosepalous, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, inferior.
Petals 5, gampetalous, rotate, inferior, blue.
Stamens 5, polyandous epipetalous, obdipolostemonous, inferior.
Carpels 5, syncarpous, ovary superior unilocalar, free central placentation with many ovules.
A capsule.
Minute, many and endospermic.
Floral formula: