Learn about the comparison between Capparidaceae and Caryophyllaceae.

Comparison # Capparidaceae:

1. Capparidaceae is herbs, shrubs or trees.

2. Leaves of Capparidaceae are simple or compound, alternate stipulate or exstipulate.

3. Inflorescence are racemose.

4. Flowers are actinomorphic or zygomorphic, hermaphrodite.

5. Capparidaceae  consists of four sepals.

6. Capparidaceae  consists of four petals.

7. Capparidaceae have four stamens to indefinite.

8. Carpels are two, parietal placentation.

9. Gynophore are generally present.

10. Floral formula;

Comparison # Caryophyllaceae:

1. Caryophyllaceae are mostly herbaceous.

2. Leaves of Caryophyllaceae are simple, opposite, exstipulate,

3. Inflorescence are dichasial cyme.

4. Flowers are actinomorphic, hermaphrodite.

5. Caryophyllaceae consists of four-five sepals.

6. Caryophyllaceae consists of four-five petals.

7. Caryophyllaceae have five to ten Stamens, obdiplostemonous.

8. Carpels are three or five, free central placentation.

9. Gynophore are absent.

10. Floral formula;
