Learn about the comparison between Urticaceae and Moraceae.

Comparison # Urticaceae:

1. Plant- Usually herbs without latex.

2. Cystolith-Present

3. Flower-Unisexual and hypogynous.

4. Androecium-4-5, filaments incurved in bud, anthers explosive.

5. Gynoecium-1, ovary unilocular, superior; style 1.

6. Ovule-Orthotropous.

7. Seed-Endospermic.

8. Embryo-Straight.

Comparison # Moraceae:

1. Plant- Trees or shrubs with latex.

2. Cystolith-Absent.

3. Flower-Unisexual, hypo-to epigynous.

4. Androecium-4 or reduced to 1 or 2, anthers not explosive; filaments straight or incurved in bud.

5. Gynoecium-1 or aborted, unilocular superior or inferior, style 1-2.

6. Ovule-Campylotropous.

7. Seed-non-endospermic.

8. Embryo-Curved.
