Learn about the comparison between Rosaceae and Myrtaceae.
Comparison # Rosaceae:
1. Habit-Plants herbs, shrubs or trees.
2. Leaves-Simple, or compound, alternate, stipulate.
3. Inflorescence-Variable-solitary, racemose, cymose.
4. Flower-Actinomorphic, hermaphrodite or unisexual, perigynous or epigynous, epicalyx rarely present.
5. Calyx-Sepals 5 or 4, gamosepalous.
6. Corolla-Petals 4-5 or indefinite, polypetalous, imbricate or quincuncial.
7. Androecium-Stamens indefinite, free.
8. Gynoecium-One to indefinite carpels, apocarpous or syncarpous ovary superior or inferior, placentation axile or marginal or basal.
9. Fruit-Follicle, achene, drupe or pome.
10. Floral formula-
Comparison # Myrtaceae:
1. Habit-Plant mostly trees.
2. Leaves-Simple, opposite, exstipulate, aromatic with oil glands.
3. Inflorescence-Variable-panicle, recemose, cymose.
4. Flower-Actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, perigynous to epigynous, disc present above the calyx tube.
5. Calyx-Sepals 4-5, poly or gamosepalous.
6. Corolla-Petals 4-5 or 0, polypetalous, imbricate or united and thrown as a cap.
7. Androecium-Stamens indefinite, free or adelphous.
8. Gynoecium-Carpels 2 to 5 to indefinite, syncarpous, ovary inferior, placentation axile or parietal.
9. Fruit-Berry or capsule.
10. Floral formula-