Learn about the comparison between Bignoniaceae and Acanthaceae.
Comparison # Bignoniaceae:
1. Habit-Woody tree or climber.
2. Leaf-Compound, pinnate, no cystoliths.
3. Calyx-5, sepal, gamosepalous.
4. Corolla-Petals 5, bilabiate or infundibuliform.
5. Androecium-Stamens 4, epipetalous, 5th posterior staminode.
6. Gynoecium-Carpels 2, syncarpous.
7. Placentation-Axile or parietal.
8. Fruit-Capsule.
9. Seed-Winged.
Comparison # Acanthaceae:
1. Habit-Herbs.
2. Leaf-Simple, cystoliths present.
3. Calyx-Sepals 4-5, gamosepalous or reduced.
4. Corolla-Petals 5-4, gamopetalous, bilabiate 5-lobed.
5. Androecium-Stamens 4 (2+2) didynamous, or epipetalous.
6. Gynoecium-Carples 2, syncarpous.
7. Placentation-Placentation axile.
8. Fruit-Capsule, explosive, rarely drupe.
9. Seed-Seeds wingless.