Learn about the comparison between Sapindaceae and Anacardiaceae.

Comparison # Sapindaceae:

1. Habit-Trees, shrubs or climbers.

2. Leaf-Often compound.

3. Flower † or , ☿often unisexual, disc present between the petals and stamens.

4. Calayx-Sepals 4-5, free.

5. Corolla-Petals 4-5, free.

6. Androceium-Stamens 5+5, or fewer, polyandrous.

7. Gynoecium-Carpals 3, Ovary 3 celled, each with one ovule which is ascending & has a ventral raphe.

8. Fruit-Nut with fleshy aril, sometimes capsule.

Comparison # Anacardiaceae:

1. Habit-Trees or shrubs containing resinous irritant juice.

2. Leaf-Often simple.

3. Flower ,☿, but often unisexual, disc present between the stamens and petals.

4. Calayx-Sepals 3-5, united.

5. Corolla-Petals 4-5, free.

6. Androceium-Stamens 10 or less, polyandrous.

7. Gynoecium-Carpels 1-5, ovary 1-5 celled, each loculus with one ascending or pendulous ovule with dorsale ruphe.

8. Fruit-Often drupe, sometimes a nut.
