Learn about the comparison among Malvaceae, Sterculiaceae and Tiliaceae.

Comparison # Malvaceae:

1. Plants-Herbs, shrubs and trees.

2. Leaves-Simple, palmately compound (Bombax).

3. Flowers-Regular, bisexual, epicalyx present.

4. Calyx-Sepals 5, united.

5. Corolla-Petals 5, free, twisted.

6. Androecium-Stamens α, monadelphous, epipetalous; anther : celled.

7. Gynoecium-Carpels (1 – α), usually (5), ovary 1 α chamtered with 1 or more ovules in each chamber.

8. Fruit-Capsule or schizocarpic (carcerulus).

9. Seeds-Endosperm scanty.

10. Embyro-Cotyledons folded

Comparison # Sterculiaceae:

1. Plants-Usually trees or shrubs, very few herbs.

2. Leaves-Simple or palmately compound.

3. Flowers-Regular or irregular, bisexual; no epicalyx.

4. Calyx-Sepals 5, free or united.

5. Corolla-Petals 5, reduced in size very often, sometimes absent, twisted.

6. Androecium-Stamens α or few in two horls, outer staminodes or absent, inner fertile, anther 2-celled.

7. Gynoecium-Carpels (2 – 5), ovary 5-celled with 2-α ovules in each chamber. Ovary 1 – α-chambered with 1 or more ovules in each chamber.

8. Fruit-Capsule or schizocarpic.

9. Seeds-Endosperm fleshy.

10. Embyro-Cotyledons fleshy or folded.

Comparison # Tiliaceae:

1. Plants-Usually trees or shrubs, very few herbs.

2. Leaves-Simple with entire or dentate margin.

3. Flowers-Regular, bi-or unisexual, no epicalyx.

4. Calyx-Sepals 4-5, free or united.

5. Corolla-Petals 5, or fewer or absent, imbricate.

6. Androecium-Stamens α, free or united at the base, inserted at the base of the petals or raised on andro-gynophore. anther 2-celled.

7. Gynoecium-Carpels (2-5), ovary 2-5-called with 1 or more ovules in each chamber.

8. Fruit-Capsule or usually schizocarpic, splitting.

9. Seeds-Endosperm fleshy.

10. Embyro-Cotyledons large or leafy.
