Learn about the comparison between Male Cone of Cycas and Male Cone of Pinus.

Comparison # Male Cone of Cycas:

1. Rare and develop only on male plants. Cycas is dioecious.

2. Cycas is terminal in position.

3. Cycas is  usually produced singly on a plant.

4. Each male cone is oval or conical in shape in cycas and very large measuring up to 80 cm or more in length.

5. Microsporophyll’s are hard, woody and flattened bodies, narrow at the base in cycas and expands distally into an apophysis.

6. Numerous microsporangia in cycas remain arranged in the form of Sori on the lower surface of each microsporophyll.

7. Each sorus contains 3-5 microsporangia in cycas.

8. Indusial hairs are present in it.

9.In cycas microsporangium is globular.

10. In cycas there are un-winged microspores.

Comparison # Male Cone of Pinus:

1. Common and develop on every plant. Pinus is monoecious.

2. Pinus is lateral in position.

3. Pinus is always produced in large number on a plant and that too also in clusters.

4. in pinus each male cone is ovoid or oval in shape and not very large; each measures 2-4 cm in length.

5. Microsporophyll’s are thin, membranous, scaly and shortly-stalked in pinus.

6. Only two microsporangia in pinus remain arranged side by side on the lower surface of each micro­sporophyll.

7. Microsporangia do not form sorus in pinus.

8. Indusial hairs absent in it.

9. Microsporangium is somewhat oval in pinus.

10. in pinus  there are winged microspores.
