The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between Biota and Thuja.

Difference # Biota:

1. Young branches grow vertically in biota.

2. In biota, a groove is present on the abaxial surface of the leaf.

3. Wood grains are fine in biota. 

4. Heartwood is dark-brown coloured in it. 

5. Bark peels off in the form of papery scales in biota. 

6. In biota, t time of pollination the scales of female cones are curved.

7. After pollination the scales of female cones become thick, fleshy and ultimately woody.

8. Scales of mature female cone contain curved spines in biota. 

9. In biota, mega-sporogenesis results in a linear triad of three megaspores.

10. Female gametophyte contains about 4000 free nuclei in biota. 

11. In biota, 15 to 25 or more archegonia develops in the female gametophyte.

12. There are 4-10 zygotes per gametophyte.

13. Both simple and cleavage polyembryony is present in it. 

14. Embryonal suspensor is present in it. 

15. In biota seeds are thick, triangular and un-winged.

16. The average length of embryo is 4.5mm in it.

Difference # Thuja:

1. Young branches grow horizontally in thuja.

2. A raised gland is present on the abaxial surface of the leaf in thuja.

3. Wood grains are coarse in it. 

4. In thuja heartwood is reddish.

5. Bark peels off in the form of vertical strips in thuja.

6. Scales of female cones are erect at the time of pollination in thuja.

7. After pollination the scales of female cones are thin and papery in it. 

8. Spines are absent in thuja.

9. Tetrahedrally arranged four megaspores are formed in thuja.

10. In thujafree nuclei in the female gametophyte are only about 512.

11. Only 5-8 archegonia develop in the female gametophyte in it. 

12. There are only 3 or 4 zygotes per gametophyte.

13. Only simple polyembryony is present in it. 

14. Embryonal suspensor is absent in it. 

15. In thuja seeds papery, elliptical and winged.

16. The average length of embryo is 1.7 mm in thuja.
