The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between tortoise, terrapin and turtle.
Difference # Tortoise:
1. Shape of the shell:
The shape of the shell is ovoid and covered with horny scutes.
2. Limbs:
Limbs end in clawed digits. No web. The limbs are short and club-shaped.
3. Whether head and limbs can be withdrawn or not:
Head and limbs can be completely withdrawn inside the shell.
4. Habitat:
Terrestrial or freshwater.
5. Mode of feeding:
Herbivorous or carnivorous, e.g., Ceochelone elegans, (Star tortoise); Indotestudo elongata, (Red-nosed tortoise), Testudo gracea, (common European tortoise).
Difference # Terrapin:
1. Shaped of the shell:
The shell is almost circular and covered with soft skin.
2. Limbs:
Limbs are webbed with some digits bearing claws.
3. Whether head and limbs can be withdrawn or not:
Head and limbs can be completely with-drawn under the shell.
4. Habitat:
5. Mode of feeding:
Carnivorous e.g., Lissemys punctata (Indian flap shell turtle), Trionyx gangeticus (Indian soft shell turtle).
Difference # Turtle:
1. Shaped of the shell:
The shell is heart- shaped and is covered with smooth skin or horny shields.
2. Limbs:
The digits of limbs are en-sheathed by a covering and form paddles. Limbs or clawed less or clawed.
3. Whether head and limbs can be withdrawn or not:
Head cannot be withdrawn completely under the shell
4. Habitat:
5. Mode of feeding:
Herbivorous or carnivorous e.g., Lepidochelys olivacea (Olive ridley turtle) Chelone mydas (Green turtle).