The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between lacertilia and ophidia.

Difference # Lacertilia:

1. Shape:

Elongated body, usually with two pairs of limbs.

2. Neck:


3. Limbs:

Excepting the limbless lizards, the limbs are pentedactylus, each digit ending in a claw

4. Eyelids:

Usually an upper and a lower eyelid are present. In the mem­bers of the family, Gekkonidae, the eyelids are fused over the eyes.

5. Nictitating membrane:


6. Scales:

Small and overlapping. Sortie forms develop osteoderms. May be modified into spines and ‘frills’ in many lizards.

7. Tympanum:


8. Occipital condyle:


9. Inter-orbital septum:


10. Fossae:


11. Jugal:


12. Zygomatic arch:

More or less complete.

13. Epipterygoid:

Usually present.

14. Quadrate:

Slightly movable.

15. Inter-parietal foramen:


16. Basisphenoid:

Not prolonged anteriorly into a rostrum.

17. Lower jaw:

Rami are united firmly by bony symphysis. Each ramus is com­posed of six pieces of bones.

18. Vertebral column:

Differentiated into different regions, like cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, etc. Vertebrae are procoelous except in Gekkonidae where the verte­brae are amphicoelous.

19. Ribs:

Restricted to some vertebrae.

20. Teeth:

Homodont, conical teeth— borne on the premaxillae, den­tary and palatine.

21. Lungs:

Both are equally developed.

22. Arterial arches:

Symmetrically disposed with ductus caroticus.

23. Urinary bladder:


24. Brain:

Cerebral hemispheres are short,

25. Cranial nerves:

12 pairs.

Difference # Ophidia:

1. Shape:

Cylindrical body without limbs

2. Neck:

Usually indistinct

2. Limbs:

Secondarily lost. Vestiges of hind limbs are present in Python.

3. Eyelids:

Absent and fused with the eyes. The eyes are protected by trans­parent scale covering the eyes as spectacles.

4. Nictitating membrane:


5. Scales:

Scales tack osteoderm. Exhibit regional differentiation—form­ing head shields,, ventral shields, etc. The ventral scales are extremely large and transversely arranged.

7. Tympanum:

Indistinct or absent.

8. Occipital condyle:

Distinctly triple.

9. Inter-orbital septum:


10. Fossae:

Absent secondarily.

11. Jugal:


12. Zygomatic arch:


13. Epipterygoid:


14. Quadrate:

Highly movable.

15. Inter-parietal foramen:


16. Basisphenoid:

Prolonged anteriorly into a ros­trum.

17. Lower jaw:

Rami are united loosely by liga­ment. Coronoid may be absent in some snakes.

18. Vertebral column:

Differentiated only into precaudal and caudal regions. Ver­tebrae are strongly procoelous with extra articulating points— zygantra and zygosphene.

19. Ribs:

Present in almost all the verte­brae except the atlas. Each rib is bifid distally and remains attached with the ventral scales by ligaments.

20. Teeth:

Conical recurved teeth—borne by maxillae, palatine, pterygoid, dentary and very rarely by pre­maxillae. In poisonous snakes, the maxillary teeth become modified into fangs with open or closed venom canal.

21. Lungs:

Left one is usually smaller or may be absent.

22. Arterial arches:

Asymmetrically placed without ductus caroticus.

23. Urinary bladder:


24. Brain:

Extremely elongated and project in between the eyes.

25. Cranial nerves:

10 pairs.
