Differences between Imbibition and Osmosis!


1. It refers to absorption of solvent or water by a solid substance.

2. Semi-permeable membrane has no role to play in imbibition.

3. As a result of imbibition, a solution is not formed.

4. Heat is generated during imbibition.

5. A very high imbibition pressure up to 1000 atm. may develop during imbibition.

6. Colloidal particles are required for imbibition.


1. Osmosis involves the movement of water or solvent from its higher chemical potential to lower chemical potential.

2. It takes place through a semipermeable membrane.

3. It operates between two solutions, separated by a semipermeable membrane.

4. Heat is not generated.

5. A comparatively lower (up to 100 atm.) pressure (viz., osmotic pressure) develops during osmosis.

6. Osmosis requires the presence of solute particles.
