Difference between Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba coli:
Difference # E. histolytica:
A. Trophozoite stage:
(i) Fairly abundant in amoebic dysentery stools.
(ii) The size varies from 10-30µ
(iii) The outline shows finger like pseudopodia.
(iv) Actively motile in nature.
(v) Cytoplasm:
Endoplasm—finely granular with ingested RBCs
Vacuoles—scanty, spherical and defined.
Nuclear membrane uniformly stained with chromatin; karyosome is central. In saline preparation the nucleus is indistinct and small.
B. Precystic stage:
The size varies from 5 to 15µ
C. Cystic stage:
(i) Size: 6-18µ
(ii) Chromatid body present with rounded ends and they are bar like.
(iii) Usually one or four nuclei are seen.
(iv) Nucleus not visible when unstained.
(v) Kidophilic vacuole—Prominent in uninucleate phase.
Difference # E. coli:
(i) Not abundant in stools.
(ii) 20-40 µ
(iii) Pseudopodia not prominent.
(iv) Sluggishly motile.
(v) Ectoplasm—not prominent;
Endoplasm—coarsely granular loaded with bacteria, yeasts etc.
Vacuoles—often numerous, clefts and cracks are found.
Nuclear membrane shows chromatin irregularly stained; karyosome eccentric. In saline preparation the nucleus is large and distinct.
12 to 17 µ
10 to 30 µ
Usually two or eight.
Visible when unstained.
Largest in two—nucleate phase.