Tag Archives | Parasitic Protozoa

Structure of Amoeba (With Diagram) | Hindi | Zoology

Read this article in Hindi to learn about the structure of amoeba, explained with the help of suitable diagrams. पहचान एवं वर्गीकरण: यह एक कोशिकीय सूक्ष्म जीव है । इसकी कोशिका यूकैरियोटिक प्रकार की है । ये अस्थाई तौर पर पादाभ का निर्माण कर गति करते हैं । अत: वर्गीकरण में इनका वर्ग स्थान निम्नानुसार है: जगत - प्रोटिस्टा (यूकैरियोटिक [...]

By |2017-03-07T19:54:26+00:00March 7, 2017|Amoeba|Comments Off on Structure of Amoeba (With Diagram) | Hindi | Zoology

Human Cycle and Mosquito Cycle of P. Vivax

Out of the various diseases which are caused by mosquito, the malaria is the most common and well known disease in our country. This disease is caused by a protozoan endoparasite known as Plasmodium. The genus Plasmodium includes all the blood parasitic protozoa causing a febrile disease known as malaria. P. vivax causes a special type of malaria fever known [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:14:17+00:00November 5, 2016|Parasitic Protozoa|Comments Off on Human Cycle and Mosquito Cycle of P. Vivax

Human Cycle and Mosquito Cycle of P. Vivax

Out of the various diseases which are caused by mosquito, the malaria is the most common and well known disease in our country. This disease is caused by a protozoan endoparasite known as Plasmodium. The genus Plasmodium includes all the blood parasitic protozoa causing a febrile disease known as malaria. P. vivax causes a special type of malaria fever known [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:14:17+00:00November 5, 2016|Parasitic Protozoa|Comments Off on Human Cycle and Mosquito Cycle of P. Vivax
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