The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between Coelom and Haemocoel.
Difference # Coelom:
1. Embryologically coelom is the secondary body cavity formed within the mesoderm.
2. Perivisceral body cavity of most triploblastic animals.
3. Coelom is lined by coelomic epithelium.
4. Coelom does not contain haemocoelomic sinuses and haemocoelomic channels.
5. Blood passes from arteries to the capillaries but not passes, into the coelom.
6. It communicates with the exterior by gonoducts, excretory ducts, etc.
Annelids to chordates.
Difference # Haemocoel:
1. Haemocoel is the primary body cavity or blastocoel.
2. Body cavity of some coelomates where blood vascular system is expanded with the reduction of coelom.
3. Haemocoel is lined by basal lamina of epithelial sheet.
4. Large haemocoelomic sinuses and narrow channels are present.
5. Blood from the arteries does not pass into the capillaries but flow directly into the haemocoel.
6. It never communicates with the exterior.
Molluscs, arthropods.