This article throws light upon the top forty-four types of shrubs. The types are: 1. Acalypha (Euphorbiaceae) 2. Malvaviscus Arboreus (Malvaceae) 3. Barleria Cristata (Acanthaceae) 4. Brunsfelsia Americana (Solanaceae) 5. Brunsefelsia Pauciflora (Solanaceae) 6. Buddleia Asiatica (Scrophulareaceae) 7. Buddleia Madagascariensis (Scrophulearaceae) 8. Cassia Glauca (Leguminosae) and others.

Type # 1. Acalypha (Euphorbiaceae):

It is native of East Indies. This shrub is famous for its copper coloured and variegated foliage which is highly desirable for contrast effect in landscaping of garden, buildings etc. It is a medium shrub growing up to 1.2-1.5 m, prefers semi-shady situation flowers are red and long like catkin.

The shrub produces the flowers throughout the year but profusely from February to July, and is very easily propagated by cuttings. Following are the species which can be grown very successfully: A. hispida, A. wilkesiana, A. colorata.

Type # 2. Malvaviscus Arboreus (Malvaceae):

A medium shrub growing upto 1.2-1.5 m tall. This shrub can be trained as standard bush shrub or can be planted closely and trimmed to make an attractive hedge. The foliage is dull green but flowers are bright scarlet, pink half-open, producing throughout the year. Easily propagated by semi-hardwood or hardwood cuttings.

Type # 3. Barleria Cristata (Acanthaceae):

This shrub is native to India. It is a dwarf shrub growing up to 0.6-1.2 m and produces numerous flowering shoots from the ground level. The shoots are cylindrical and quite hardy. Violet blue flowers appear during March-April. This is very easily propagated by cuttings. There are several species producing white, rose, orange and red flowers.

Type # 4. Brunsfelsia Americana (Solanaceae):

It is native of West Indies and commonly called as Lady of the Night. It is an erect, tall, spreading shrub which produces yellow flowers during summer months. It is propagated through terminal cuttings. It is highly suitable for group planting or on the mounds.

Type # 5. Brunsefelsia Pauciflora (Solanaceae):

It is commonly called as yesterday, today and tomorrow and is bushy nature. Leaves are leathery, lanceolate and glossy dark green. It produces purple flower from spring to summer which fades away almost too white.

Type # 6. Buddleia Asiatica (Scrophulareaceae):

It is native to South East Asia and Indonesia. An attractive shrub, growing up to 1.5- 2.4 m. Leaves are lanceolate green upper side and whitish underneath. Flowers are white, fragrant produced on long drooping recemes, abundantly from February to April. Easily propagated by cuttings.

Type # 7. Buddleia Madagascariensis (Scrophulearaceae):

It is native of Madagascar. This is a very vigorous shrub which can be planted on the periphery of the gardens. The leaves are comparatively longer, dark green, and whitish underneath. Flowers are whitish yellow, highly scented and produced freely in months of February-March. Propagation is done by cuttings. Very severe pruning should be done after flowering.

Type # 8. Cassia Glauca (Leguminosae):

It is native of tropical America. It is tall, handsome and quick growing shrub suitable for shrubberies and group planting. It produces yellow flowers in September-October. It is easily propagated from seeds.

Type # 9. Cassia Biflora (Leguminosae):

It is ever green medium shrub with spreading branches. Leaflets are small, dense and of dark green coloured. It bears yellow flower during March-April and October- November. It is propagated through seeds. In gardens it is used as a specimen or for group planting. It has become very popular in Indian gardens in very short duration due to its elegant beauty.

Type # 10. Ceasalpinia Pulcherrima (Leguminosae):

It is native of tropical America and commonly called as Peacock flower. It produces scarlet to yellow flowers in great profusion from May to August. It is quick growing shrub suitable for shrubbery and inner roads. It is easily propagated through seeds.

Type # 11. Cestrum Diurnum (Solanaceae):

This is native of tropical America and commonly called as ‘Din Ka Raja’ and very popular for sweet scented flowers. It grows upto height of 1.5-1.8 m. Leaves are lanceolate and lush green. Flowers are white borne in clusters and open in the day. Flowers are produced throughout the year. Propagation is done by cuttings.

Type # 12. Cestrum Nocturnum (Solanaceae):

It is native of tropical America and popularly known as ‘Raat ki Rani’ and is very common shrub in the Indian gardens. Plant grows up to 1.5-1.8 m high. Leaves are dark green. Shrub is valued for highly fragrant flowers which open after dusk, making night fragrant. Flowers are pale in colour, produced in clusters twice or thrice in a year. This shrub is easily propagated by cuttings.

Type # 13. Daedalacanthus Nervosus (Acanthaceae):

It is native of east parts of India. This is a hardy, dwarf shrub growing upto 60-90 cm tall. Flowers are blue in colour, borne on spikes. Flowers are produced in March. This is very suitable for hedge. Easily propagated by cuttings.

Type # 14. Doembeya Wallichii (Sterculiaceae):

It is native of tropical Asia. This is a tall shrub growing 2.4-3.0 m high. Leaves are rough coarse and large sized. This is very attractive in the month of November to January when laden with deep pink flowers which are borne on terminal cymes. The plants are propagated by cuttings.

Type # 15. Ervatamia Divaricata (Apocynaceae):

It is commonly called as ‘Chandni’ or Malti in Hindi on account of its coverage with pure white flowers in profusion. It is very common in Indian gardens as flowers are used in worship. A tall, evergreen shrub, growing upto a height of 1.8-2.4 m.

The leaves are smooth and glossy green which make shrub very attractive. Flowers are white, single, produced in great profusion throughout the year. They are sweetly fragrant. It is easily propagated by cuttings. Ervatamia coronaria is another species producing double flowers. Very recently, natural dwarf form of Ervatamia divaricata has been isolated and getting popular amongst gardeners. It can be mostly used as dwarf bush plant in shrubbery or used as pot culture.

Type # 16. Eunymous Japonicus (Celastraceae):

It is native of Japan and commonly called as Privet or Japanese Spindle. It is an ever green, dwarf bush with variegated leaves. It is commonly propagated through terminal cuttings. In gardens it is used as dwarf hedge or edge or pot plant.

Type # 17. Euphorbia Metallica (Euphorbiaceae):

In gardens it is planted for its coppery coloured leaves which make good contrast with other green shrubs. It is winter deciduous under North Indian conditions. It is commonly propagated through cuttings. It is highly suitable for shrubbery border or pots.

Type # 18. Ficus Panda (Moraceae):

It is most showy hardy plant which has dominated in Indian landscape in very short period. Its new emerging leaves are light green coloured and older leaves are of green colour which makes it more beautiful. It stands to trimming very well and hence it is used garden as specimen, group planting, topiary, hedge, etc. It is commonly propagated through terminal cuttings during rainy season with 85-90% success.

Type # 19. Galphimia Gracilis (Malpighiaceae):

It is native of tropical America. The shrub is medium in height and gives bushy appearance. It is very attractive shrub on account of its neat yellow flowers which appear on comparatively long stalks arranged on terminal recemes. Golden yellow flowers make a very effective contrast against its dark green foliage. Flowers are produced almost throughout the year but very profusely during July-November. Propagation is done by seeds.

Type # 20. Hamelia Patens (Rubiaceae):

It is native of tropical and sub-tropical America. This shrub is very famous amongst gardeners for attractive foliage and scarlet flowers which are produced throughout the year. It is a tall shrub growing about 2.4-3.0 m high. Due to profuse branching it shapes well and appears elegant. Foliage is green and greenish bronze which stands clippings and trimming to any shape. This shrub can serve very well either as standard, specimen or hedge in the garden. It can be very easily propagated by cuttings.

Recently, natural dwarf form has been selected which is getting very popular in the garden. It is mostly used as dwarf bush in shrubbery, edging plant or as a dwarf specimen bush plant or ground cover or shrub for larger pots. It is very floriferous and is liked most for its bright scarlet coloured flowers.

Type # 21. Hamiltonia Suaveolens (Rubiaceae):

It is a tall shrub of about 2.4-3.0 m. Leaves are light green in colour which provide freshness and coolness in summer. Flowers are mauve coloured and appear in March. They are borne on terminal corymbs. It should be pruned in end of June to maintain the shape of the bush.

Type # 22. Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis (Malvaceae):

It is commonly known as “China shoe” flower and in Hindi as ‘Gurhal’ and is native of China. This shrub is tall growing about 1.8-2.4 m and spreading in nature. Leaves are dark green and shining. Flowers are brilliant rosescarlet and produced throughout the year. Flowers are big and prominent and due to their bright colour and can be seen from a distance. There are large number of hybrids available e.g., Alipore Beauty, Daffodil, Australian Rose, Sweet Heart etc. The height of the bush can be maintained by pruning. Highly suitable for specimen, standard and ornamental hedge.Easily propagated by cuttings.

Type # 23. Hibiscus Mutabilis (Malvaceae):

It is native of China. It is a tall shrub growing about 1.8-2.4 m. Leaves are light green and very rough in look. Flowers are double and produced in end of October to November and they change the colour from creamy white to deep rose and blue with the advancement of day. Pruning should be done in the month of April. It is propagated by cuttings.

Type # 24. Holmskioldia Sanguinea (Verbenaceae):

It is commonly called as cup and saucer on account of its lower shape and is native to India. It is evergreen and handsome shrub bearing brick red to orange flowers from November to February. It is easily propagated by cuttings. H. acuminata is another handsome species producing yellow flowers.

Type # 25. Ixora sp. (Rubiaceae):

In Hindi it is called as “Rukmini” and is native of tropical Africa. It is a tall shrub growing about 1.5-2.5 m. Leaves are smooth, dark green. Flowers are borne on terminal trusses throughout the year but in profusion in the hot and rainy season. They are liked by gardeners due to variation in colour, long cut life and natural flower arrangement. The Ixoras are propagated easily by layering. The pruning should be done after flowering season. There are several species but common are: I. coccinea—bright red flowers, I. paruiflora—pure white, I. singaporensis—terra cotta coloured flowers.

Type # 26. Jatropha Multifida (Euphorbiaceae):

It is native of West Indies. A tall shrub growing upto 1.8-3.0 m and is very common in gardens. It looks better if kept bushy by pruning the branches after flowering. Flowers are small, scarlet and borne at the end of branches in hot and rainy season. It is easily propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Type # 27. Justicia Carnea (Acanthaceae):

It is an evergreen erect dwarf bush and scarcely branched. It bears purplish pink flowers from late summer to autumn. It is commonly propagated through terminal cuttings. In garden it is commonly used for edging or shrubbery or pot plant.

Type # 28. Lagerstroemia Indica (Lythraceae):

It is native of China and is commonly called as “Shravani” because its attractive bloom might have been observed in the month of “Sharavan” but it blooms from May- August. It is a tall shrub growing about 1.8-3.0 m and winter deciduous in nature. Leaves are small and dark green.

It is very popular in the gardens on account of its being easily grown in any garden soil. Flowers are very attractive, soft, fringed, arranged in long erect sprays produced in white, purple and rose colour on shoots of current year’s growth. Pruning should be done in February. It is easily propagated by cuttings and seeds.

Type # 29. Lantana Camara (Verbenaceae):

It is native of Jamacia. It is very hardy shrub and popular in the gardens as it appears pretty when in bloom. It grows upto a height of 1.0-1.5 m and has spreading habit. Foliage is dark green and rough in texture. Flowers are produced in different colours i.e. yellow, white, red, orange, lilac, mauve etc. It is easily propagated by seeds or cuttings. Highly suitable for ornamental hedge.

Type # 30. Murraya Panniculata/Lemonia Spectabilis (Rutaceae):

It is native of South Asia and is commonly called as ‘Kamini’. It is most popular shrub in the garden. It is a tall shrub growing upto a height of 2.4-3.0 m. The foliage is dark and shining comprised of deep glossy green pinnate leaves. The shrub is highly suitable for specimen shrub or Topiary or for ornamental hedge because it stands trimming well. Flowers are white, produced in clusters and emit strong fragrance in rainy season. Propagation is done by seeds or cuttings.

Type # 31. Mussaenda Luteola (Rubiaceae)

It is native of tropical America and medium shrub. Flowers are yellow which are produced from May to August but yellow foliaceous bract is very attractive. It is highly suitable for specimen and group planting. Easily propagated by cuttings. M. philipica is beautiful species which is prized for its pink bracts.

Type # 32. Nerium Oleander (Apocynaceae):

It is called as ‘Lai Kaner’, and is native of tropical and sub-tropical Asia. It is tall shrub growing upto a height of 2.4-3.0 m. Stems arise from ground level. Leaves are dull green, hard and rough. The flowers are produced in clusters throughout the year. There is a great variation in flower colour i.e. from white, cream, pink, rose, red, crimson, etc. Flowers may be single or double. It is easily propagated by cuttings.

Type # 33. Nyctanthes Arbortristis (Oleaceae):

It is native of India and is popularly called as “Har Shingar” or “Tree of Sadness” because flowers are shed like tears by falling of morning sun rays. It is a tall shrub. If left unpruned it grows to a height of dwarf tree. Leaves are dull green and rough in texture. The flowers are small, numerous, white with orange coloured centre, very fragrant and star shape borne in large terminal clusters. Flowering season is from August to December. The pruning should be done in winter. It is easily propagated by seeds or cuttings.

Type # 34. Pentas Carnea (Rubiaceae):

It is commonly known as star cluster. It is a woody dwarf, bushy with attractive foliage. Star shaped flowers of pink, magenta, red and crimson are produced from March to November. It is very easily propagated through terminal cuttings. It is highly suitable for pot culture and shrubbery border.

Type # 35. Phyllanthus Nevosus Syn. Breynia Nivosa (Euphorbiaceae):

It is native of tropical forest of Asia and Australia and commonly called as ‘Snow Bush’. Leaves are round and upper leaves of branches are variegated. New emerging leaves during April-May become almost snowy white and hence ‘Snow Bush’ name has been given. It is dwarf bush in frost prone area whereas it grows to its medium height in tropical climate. P nivosus compacta is a much dwarf kind. P niuosus roseopicta is another handsome kind in which upper leaves of branches turned into deep pink and get mottled. It is easily propagated through separation or through soft wood cuttings.

Type # 36. Plumbago Auriculata (Plumbaginaceae):

It is commonly called as “Chitra” and is native of South Africa. It is an evergreen small shrub growing upto a height of 1-1.2 m. Numerous branches are produced from the ground level. Leaves are small and light green in colour. The light blue flowers are produced throughout the year but in profusion during July-October and December to March. Highly suitable for ornamental hedge, carpetting or as a pot plant. It is easily propagated by suckers and cuttings.


List of Important Shrubs

Type # 37. Poinsettia Pulcherrima (Euphorbiaceae):

This is a very attractive shrub and highly suitable for bedding purpose. This grows upto a height of 2.4-3.0 m. The branches are cylindrical smooth. Leaves are alternate, smooth and glabrous. Inflorescence is terminal. This shrub is highly valued for showy bracts in different colours i.e. white, pink and crimson. They are produced in December- January. It is easily propagated by cuttings. This shrub should be cut back drastically in the month of February-March.

Type # 38. Punica Granatum (Lythraceae):

It is commonly called as “Anar”. It is a hardy, tall ornamental shrub growing upto a height of 1.8-2.0 m. The flowers are bringing scarlet in colour which makes a very good contrast against dark green foliage. They are produced in rainy season. It is easily propagated by cuttings.

Type # 39. Russelia Equisetiformis (Scrophulariaceae):

It is native of India. It is dwarf shrub with thin scattered fine leaves. Flowers are scarlet which are produced round the year. It is easily propagated by division. R. floribunda produces dark red flowers.

Type # 40. Stachytarpheta Indica (Verbenaceae):

It is native of West Indies. It is a hardy medium grown shrub. The branches arise from close to the ground. Leaves are green and have neat venation. Flowers of deep violet colour, produced on long spikes throughout the year. It is very easily propagated by seeds or cuttings.

Type # 41. Stenolobium Stans (Bignoniaceae):

It is native of America and is very common in Indian gardens. It is a tall shrub growing upto a height of 2.4-3.0 m. The leaves are pinnate with 5-7 leaflets. It is a very hardy and quick growing, thus needs annual prunning to keep in shape. Highly suitable for specimen or ornamental hedge. The flowers are golden in colour, trumpet in shape and are produced in terminal clusters throughout the year, propagated by seeds.

Type # 42. Tecoma Capensis (Bignoniaceae):

It is commonly called cape Honey Suckle and native of South and East Africa. It is an evergreen, medium in height growing about 1.5-2 m and behaves like rambler and hence, it is kept in shape by trimming. The leaves are glossy green, pinnate and leaflet are opposite in pairs of oval to round serrated leaflets. Flowers are produced in orange and yellow colour in terminal clusters.

It grows happily in full sun or in partial shade in well drained, fertile, rich soil and adaptable to various conditions. It can tolerate moderate drought conditions. It is easily propagated by seed or semi hard wood cuttings.

Type # 43. Thevetia Peruviana (Apocynaceae):

It is native of Peru and is commonly called as ‘Pili Kaner’ and very popular in Indian gardens as flowers are used in offering worship to ‘Lord Shiva’. It is a tall shrub growing upto a height of 2.4-3.0 m. The foliage is lush green and is very attractive. Flowers are yellow, orange or white funnel shaped and are produced in terminal cymes throughout the year. It is highly used for specimen, screening or as an ornamental hedge. Propagated by seeds.

Type # 44. Thunbergia Erecta (Acanthaceae):

It is native of tropical Africa. It is a medium shrub growing upto a height of 1-1.2 m. It is hardy shrub producing numerous erect branches close to ground. Flowers are violet;funnel shaped and looks very attractive when they peep out from foliage during summer and rainy season. Highly suitable for shrubbery and for ornamental hedge.
