After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Classification of Hedges 2. Growing of Hedges 3. Maintenance.
When shrub is planted on boundary for fencing, it is called as hedge. It may be ornamental or protective or both. Hedges also become an important feature of formal layout to serve various functions as screening of the area, out buildings, tennis courts, vegetable gardens, hiding of unwanted places, etc. All the shrubs cannot be planted for making an ideal hedge due to different nature of growth. Only some selected shrubs are used for making an effective hedge.
For selecting an ideal shrub for a hedge, it should have following characteristics:
(a) It should have thick texture and quick growth.
(b) It should stand trimming to shape.
(c) It should be easily propagated through seeds or cuttings.
(d) It should withstand drought conditions.
(e) It should not attract reptiles or other animals.
Classification of Hedges:
Hedges are planted to protect the area to avoid the trespassing by man or animals or to beautify the boundary of different.
Therefore, according to purpose, hedge can be classified as:
1. Tall protective hedges:
The height is about 1-3 m and growth is very dense along with thorns. The plants that can be selected are: Inga dulcis, Acacia fernesiana, Carrisa carandus, Bougainuillea sp., etc.
2. Dwarf protective hedges:
Dwarf shrub grows about 1 m and have thorns and are protective in nature e.g. Euphorbia bojori, Opuntia sp., Agave sp., Pedilanthus sp., etc.
3. Tall ornamental hedges:
Shrubs grow 1-3 m tall and have attractive foliage. Plants produce colourful flowers also e.g. Lawsonia Alba, Duranta plumieri, Dodonea uiscosa, Casuarina equisetifolia, Murraya panniculata, Theuetia peruviana, Hibiscus rosasinensis, Stenolobium starts, Hamelia patens etc.
4. Dwarf ornamental hedges:
Height of dwarf hedge is about 1 m and plants are very attractive e.g. Acalypha sp., clerodendron inerme, Thunbergia erecta, Daedalacanthus neruosus, Lantana sp., etc.
Growing of Hedges:
Preparation of soil:
Hedge plants can be grown in various kinds of soil. For better growth of plants soil should be deep, well drained and fertile. If the soil is not so good, it should be changed up to the upper 45 cm profile with fertile garden soil. Hedges are planted in the garden for various purposes and persist for many years.
Therefore, planning and preparation of ground should be done carefully. For making a good growth of hedge, a trench about 60-75 cm deep and 30-60 cm wide should be dug up and left exposed for a fortnight or so before planting, in order to destroy harmful microflora and insects by scorching sun. Then it should be refilled with soil and sufficient amount of well rotten farmyard manure.
Planting time:
The most suitable time of planting hedge is rainy season. In the beginning of monsoon weather conditions are hot and humid. Therefore, during August, when temperature cools down, planting can be done safely. Planting can also be done during February-March depending upon the availability of regular supply of water and planting material.
Planting method:
Rooted cuttings or seeds are planted. The distance of planting for tall hedge should be about 60-90 cm and for dwarf hedge it should be about 20-30 cm. The planting should be done by triangular system so that it makes a good dense hedge.
Maintenance of Hedges:
Water requirement of hedges depends upon season and soil types. During rainy season generally no irrigation is required except during drought conditions. During winter season, watering is required once in 10-15 days and at weekly intervals during summer season. In light soil more frequent watering is requiring than in heavy soils.
Weeds should not be allowed to grow to compete with hedge plants specially in early stages and hence weeds should be removed as they make their appearance.
When the hedge plants attain a height of 15 cm they should be topped back to 10 cm height with the garden shears. This will result into production of several side growths on each plant. If such topping is not done and plants are allowed to grow unchecked, hedges will not be dense and look untidy. Topping is done many times till desired height is achieved.
Later on hedges can be trimmed to get different shapes. The fop of hedges can be kept flat, wavy, blocks of square or any shape. The frequency of trimming depends upon season and type of plants. In rainy reason frequent trimming is required because plants make faster growth than winter or summer season. Faster growing plants need frequent trimming than the slow growing ones.
When low growing perennial plants are grown on the border of plots or beds, they are called as edge plant or an edge. These plants hardly grow up to 20-30 cm. Like hedges, they also become a part of formal or informal landscape designs. In garden, edges are also planted around rockery, big trees, alongside walks, pathways and to divide the area.
Their culture is similar to that of hedges. The edge plants are usually propagated through terminal cutting during rainy season and stand against trimming. There are only few plants suitable for making perennial edge e.g. Eupatorium cannabium, Justicea sp., Iresine lindenii and Alternanthera amoena and A. versicolour.