The article throws light upon the twelve small flowered groups of chrysanthemum. The groups are: 1. Korean (Single) 2. Korean Double 3. Decorative 4. Anemone 5. Pompon 6. Button 7. Quilled 8. Spoon 9. Semi-Quilled 10. Cineraria 11. Stellate 12. No Stake and No Pinching.
Small Flowered Group # 1. Korean (Single):
In this type ray florets are flat, strap like and blooms are flat. Number of whorls of ray floret are five or less than five and disc is open e.g., Cardinal— red; Charmain—bright yellow; Gul-e-Sahir—yellow.
Small Flowered Group # 2. Korean Double:
These are like Korean singles but the number of whorls of ray florets is more than five and the disc is open. Jante Wells—yellow; Flirt—maroon; Man Bhawan—yellow and red turn yellow at later stages.
Small Flowered Group # 3. Decorative:
These are similar to Korean double, except that flower is completely double and centre of blooms is not visible. Examples: Arctic—White; Blue Chip— Purple; Dolly—Purple; Flame Blair—Bronze; Hurricane—Yellow; Lemon Polaris—Light yellow; Jubilee—Yellow; Yellow Divinity—Yellow; Elegance—White; Golden Elegance— Yellow; Alankar—Orange.
Small Flowered Group # 4. Anemone:
Ray florets are flat or may be twisted or quilled but disc florets are well developed and prominent e.g., Caleb Cox—light bronze; Grace Land—White with yellow cushion; Long Island Beauty—White with yellow centre; Cloud Bank—White; Golden Sands—yellow, White sands—White. Tan Vedova—Light bronze; Vedova—Purple.
Small Flowered Group # 5. Pompon:
They are getting popular and produce large crops of small bloom. Pinching once or twice is very helpful. Ray florets are short, broad, regularly arranged to give bloom of compact hemispherical shape and florets are incurved or reflexed. Disc florets are covered or inconspicuously open e.g., Cameo—White; White Bouquet—White; Dandy—Bronze; Eve—Purple; Lustre—Coppery bronze; Baggi—Glistening White, Fred Yule—Burnt orange; Otome Zakura—Pink; Beeswing—Bronze, Nanako—Yellow, Cotton Ball—White, Birbal Sahni—White.
Small Flowered Group # 6. Button:
Blooms are compact, small and hemi-spherical measuring 2-3 cm in diameter. For example: Gold Dust—Yellow, Liliput, King Fisher.
Small Flowered Group # 7. Quilled:
The florets are tubular. For example Golden Crystal yellow; Yellow Hector—Yellow, Snow Crystal—White.
Small Flowered Group # 8. Spoon:
These are slightly different than quilled in which ends are open to the tubes showing inner petal colour e.g., Anokha—White, Modipon—Deep pink.
Small Flowered Group # 9. Semi-Quilled:
The florets are tubular up to some length and then open. Open portion of the florets may be flat, reflexed or incurved. Disc is open.
Small Flowered Group # 10. Cineraria:
Now-a-days this type is getting very popular especially for pot culture. Ray florets are flat, Korean type and are smaller in size, not more than 3 cm. e.g., Jassie, Bindya, Charmis.
Small Flowered Group # 11. Stellate:
Ray florets are regular with sides reflexed and mayor may not be twisted. Disc florets are short, e.g., Laura, Red Star, Stella.
Small Flowered Group # 12. No Stake and No Pinching:
Appu-mauve, Sharad Kumar—yellow.