Read this essay to learn about the Diseases of Kidney and Urinary Tract. The Diseases are: 1. Acute Nephritis 2. Urinary Tract Infection 3. Renal Colic 4. Nephrotic Syndrome 5. Acute Pyelonephritis 6. Cystitis 7. Urethritis 8. Retention of Urine 9. Suppression of Urine or Anuria or Oliguria.


  1. Essay on Acute Nephritis
  2. Essay on Urinary Tract Infection
  3. Essay on Renal Colic
  4. Essay on Nephrotic Syndrome
  5. Essay on Acute Pyelonephritis
  6. Essay on Cystitis
  7. Essay on Urethritis
  8. Essay on Retention of Urine
  9. Suppression of Urine or Anuria or Oliguria.
  10. Essay on Suppression of Urine or Anuria or Oliguria.

Essay on Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease # 1. Acute Nephritis:

The patient presents with illness of recent origin, with large quantity of albumen and tube casts passing in the urine, it is smoky to look at because of presence of blood, the condition is ACUTE NEPHRITIS. The main cause of this condition is streptococcus haemolyticus commonly found in tonsils.

These can follow after an attack of influenza, typhoid, malaria, cerebrospinal fever, staphylococcus infection and trench fever. Sudden chilling can predispose. This usually terminates in recovery.

Apis Mellifica:

Apis Mellifica the characteristic pathological state corresponds to Apis — Inflammation of the kidney, constricted sensation. Swelling or puffiness of various parts, oedema, red rosy. Increased flow of urine shows a favourable effect. Dropsies of Apis are characterized by waxy hue of skin, whitish or transparent swelling of eyelids, bag­like swelling under the eyes.


Copaiva there is burning pressure and painful urination by drops. Retention of urine with pain in the bladder, anus and rectum. Constant desire to urinate. Urine is acrid, scanty, bloody, odour of violet, greenish turbid colour, and peculiar pungent odour.


Terebinthina it is for both acute and chronic nephritis. Main remedy where there is protein and blood in urine. Often the damage to the kidney is due to inhalation of chemicals. Burning is the main symptom. Often found useful when nephritis has developed after scarlatina and consequent dropsy in cases of albuminuria, and haematuria. The urine is smoky and turbid, and urine depositing sediment like grounded coffee.

Ocimum canum:

Ocimum canum pain in the kidney with violent vomiting.Right-sided kidney colic. Red urine with brick dust sediment after the attack. The urine may be saffron-coloured and thick, purulent with intolerable smell like musk. The patient has a uric acid diathesis. And red sand in urine is characteristic. Right-sided kidney colic. There is proteinuria, and thick urine.

Berberis vulgaris:

Berberis vulgaris the pains travel from kidney to the bladder. Bubbling sensation in the kidney. Frequent urination, dysuria, urethra bums when not urinating, urine is thick with red sand, turbid, yellow sandy and slimy urine. The pains radiate.


Cantharis constant desire to urinate, cutting pains before and during urination. Sensitive kidney with dropsy. Urine is burning and scalding, with cutting pain and intolerable itching. Urine passes drop by drop, sometimes dribbling.During the acute phase it will be necessary to reduce the load of work on the kidney by giving the maximum of fluids.

Intake and output chart should be maintained. Blood pressure should be regularly monitored. The diet should be salt-free and low in proteins. Gradually carbohydrates might be added with increase in fluid content.

Essay on Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease # 2. Urinary Tract Infection:

Patient is usually a female or a child complaining of frequency of micturition day and night with painful voiding, smelly urine, haematuria, and suprapubic pain and tenderness. It is a URINARY TRACT INFECTION. These symptoms relate to bladder and urethral inflammation commonly called cystitis, and suggest lower urinary tract infection.

Loin pain, tenderness, fever, and systemic upset suggest extension of the infection to the pelvis and kidney — known as pyelitis or pyelonephritis. Urinary tract infection can exist without any associated symptoms. In children who cannot complain accurately their symptoms, their possibility of UTI is to be considered on the basis of their fretful febrile sickness, and who fail to thrive.


Cantharis constant desire to urinate, intolerable tenesmus, cutting before, during, and after urination. Urine is burning, scalding with cutting pains, and intolerable urging. Urine is passed drop by drop, and atony of the bladder due to long retention of urine.


Apis burning and soreness when urinating. Dysuria with stinging pain, last drops scald. The urine is loaded with casts and is albuminous. Stinging pain and strangury. Difficult and slow urine, and needs to press due to prostate affections.

Cannabis sativa:

Cannabis sativa inflammed sensation with soreness to touch. Urethra is sensitive and walks with his legs apart. Must strain to urinate, and has to wait for some time before the urine starts flowing and dribbles after the flow ceases. Burning in the urethra extends to the bladder. There is zigzag pain in the urethra. Urine is turbid white, or reddish. Typically a sycotic remedy with gonorrhoeal infection.


Staphysagria very important remedy for cystitis in young married women, often called honeymoon cystitis. There is pressure in the bladder, feels that it did not empty. Urinates into a thin stream or drop by drop. There is feeling of constant rolling of drop along urethra followed by burning in urethra. Burning in urethra when not urinating.

Ferrum picricum:

Ferrum picricum pain along entire urethra, frequent urination, at night, with full feeling. Retention of urine. Smarting at the neck of the bladder and penis. Concomitant pressure in the rectum with constipation.

Sycotic bacillus:

Sycotic bacillus irritation of the mucus membrane from kidney to urethra. Frequency and urgency. Urine is corrosive. Urinary tantrums with pain in the kidney. This is a nosode (Bowel Nosode) prepared from the non-lactose fermenting cocci of the intestinal tract and, therefore, useful as inter-current remedy in Albuminuria, Nephritis, Nephrosis, Pyelitis, and Cystitis.

The pre-and post-treatment cultures are mandatory. In relapse a search should be made to find the cause. Reinfection implies that the patient has a poor defence system and prophylactic measures should be taken. Fluid intake must increase to at least two liters.

Instruction to void the urine every 2-3 hours should be given: Voiding of urine before bedtime and after intercourse. Patient be instructed to avoid bubble baths and chemical baths. And to avoid constipation.

Essay on Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease # 3. Renal Colic:

Patient gives the history of severe paroxysms of lancinating pain, starting in one loin, shooting down to the front of the thigh or testes or vulva, frequency of micturition and vomiting, shivering, sweating, pallor, and partial collapse.

These pains are followed by haematuria, containing blood and pus. The condition is RENAL COLIC. The treatment consists of two parts. One during an acute attack and the other during the interval.

Berberis vulgaris:

Berberis vulgaris there are radiating pains from the kidney to bladder. Pain from the kidney extends along the ureter or to liver, stomach, spleen, arresting breathing. Bubbling sensation in the region of the kidney. Frequent urination with the sensation as if some urine is left behind. Urine is thick mucus, and bright red, turbid, yellow or sandy.

Calcarea carb:

Calcarea carb irritable bladder, incontinence while walking. Urine is dark, brown sour, foul, or of strong odour. White urinary sediment with milky urine, at times bloody. Other constitutional characteristics are present.

Benzoic acid:

Benzoic acid there is insufficiency of the kidney, excess of uric acid, causing cystitis. Urine is hot dark brown, strong foul odour of horse urine. Bed wetting — sheets get stained brown. It has a uric acid diathesis. Pains suddenly change their locality.

Lithium carb:

Lithium carb soreness of the bladder, pain is in the right kidney and the ureter. Pain in the bladder extends up to spermatic cord. Urine is scanty with much thirst, still the urine is scanty, turbid urine with mucus, scanty and dark acid sandy deposits.


Hydrangea it is remedy for gravel, profuse deposits of white amorphous salts in the urine, therefore tendency to form stones. Urine is bloody and the drug acts on the ureters. It is claimed that Hydrangea arrests the formation of stones. Burning in uretha with frequent desire to urinate, difficult to start the urine. There is sharp pain in the loins.


Sarsaparilla pain from the right kidney downwards. Urging to urinate before menses. There is severe pain at the conclusion of urination. Child screams before passing the urine; kidney colic and painful urination in children. Can pass urine only when standing and dribbles when sitting.

During the interval of the attacks, investigate the type of stones the patient is having, and find out the constitutional remedy which can be used during the period of lucid interval. One will see that the attacks become more mild and the stones pass out. The acidic urine shows two forms of stones. The commonest form is dark brown in colour, consists of calcium oxalate and gives rise to more acute symptoms.

These have fine bristles with sharp pointed crystals, which cause bleeding and colour the calculus. Another form is of uric acid and urates mixed in varying proportions. These for light brown stones, round and branching, and are commonest stones in gouty subjects. Those who have high uric acid level usually deposit urates. Calculi are often multiple. In alkaline urine, phosphate stones are found.

There are certain drugs known to have action on these stones. In case of oxalate of lime Causticum, Kalisulph, Nat phos and Nitric acid have good effects. Benzoic acid, Ferrum met. Phosphoric add, Ptelia, Stannum are known to have good effect and Urtica urens shows good effect on the urates.

Calcarea renalis:

Calcarea renalis it is a urate of lime. There is great colic with intensity and passage of uric acid stones. This also useful in the tartar of the teeth and help resolve the formation of nodosity of stony hardness in the finger. But, all the same, a full history is necessary before one arrives at the right remedy.

The patient needs to be educated on the importance of free fluid intake and to avoid those articles of daily food which are known to produce these stones.

Essay on Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease # 4. Nephrotic Syndrome:

Patient with peripheral oedema, mostly in the lower limbs, massive generalized anasarca for over some time, anorexia, diarrhoea, vomiting, and bouts of frequent attack of hypertension. It is probably NEPHROTIC SYNDROME.

Nephrotic syndromes are common in children below 3 years where there is oedema over the face more marked. There is oliguria, while oedema is forming, massive proteinuria, urine becoming almost solid on boiling. Fatty casts, tubular cells, oval fat bodies are present.

Diet is very important. A high protein diet is advised. But salt should be restricted to 1gm/day. Fruits, fruit juices, eggs, bread, jam and honey may be given at breakfast. Fish and meat is permitted at lunch and dinner.

Arsenic alb:

Arsenic alb urine is scanty, burning, involuntary, bladder as if paralyzed. Epithelial cells, cylindrical clots of fibrin, and globules of pus and blood. Feeling of weakness in abdomen after urination. Atony of the bladder causing paralysis and retention of urine. Urine is black as if mixed with dung.

Apis mel:

Apis mel burning and soreness when urinating. Dysuria causing last drop to scald, bum. Scanty high coloured urine,with casts. Albuminuria, with coffee ground sediment. Incontinence of urine at night but during day difficult, frequent and slow urination, must press to pass the urine. Stinging, burning pains while urinating.


Colchicum more the discharge of urine more urging. Urine is hot, highly coloured, bloody and black almost like ink, black sediment.


Terebinthina this is the remedy to be thought of when the urinary symptoms appear after exanthemata, and followed by violent bronchitis. Burning, drawing pain in the region of the kidney, along ureters, constant tenesmus, and strangury with bloody urine. Urine is smoky, with coffee ground, or thick, yellow and slimy sediment. Urethritis, nephritis. Scanty and suppressed urine.


Cantharis constant desire to urinate. Intolerable tenesmus. Cutting before, during and after the urination. Urine bums, scalds with cutting pains, and intolerable urging. Urine is drop by drop.

Essay on Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease # 5. Acute Pyelonephritis:

Patient comes with sudden onset of fever, with rigors, malaise and pallor. Frequently nausea and vomiting. Pain and tenderness in the loins, and flanks, occasional haematuria, and frequency of urination every half an hour. It is ACUTE PYELONEPHRITIS.

It is seen that whatever is the pathological picture, the expression of the patients do not alter very much. The drugs having action on the kidneys and bladder will be considered for pyelonephritis. Drugs like Apis, Berberis, Benzoic acid, Cantharis, Sarsaparilla, Lycopodium and Phosphorus can be considered. Signs and symptoms of these drugs have been mentioned under different diseases of the Urinary tract.

Essay on Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease # 6. Cystitis:

Patient complains of suprapubic-discomfort and pain, frequency of micturition, and there is discharge of pus at the end of the micturition or sometimes mixed with the urine. The condition is CYSTITIS. Cystitis can be of two forms: Acute cystitis and chronic cystitis.

In acute cystitis at the onset, there is little amount of pus but in severe cases there will be haematuria also. The urine is ropy and with pus and mucus. Pain and tenderness in the hypogastrium. Micturition is frequent and painful.

In chronic cystitis, larger amount of pus and urine is alkaline, and contains ropy mucus. Pain is less severe, than in acute cystitis. There are many causes to give cystitis-like residual urine, prostate enlargement, urethral strictures, stones of foreign bodies. Infection spreads to the bladder in most cases. Apis and Cantharis are two important remedies. 


Lachesis characteristic symptom is sensation as if a ball is rolling in the bladder on turning over. The urine is almost black, frequent, foaming and dark. Has to urinate on.lying down, day or night. Floating of black soot-like particles in the urine floating.


Lycopodium the urging of urine is sudden and severe. Passage of urine was intense burning. There is sensation as if molten lead is passing through the urethra. Urine discharged is very scanty, turbid, dirty brownish red colour, and a peculiar smell of malt. Low potency of Lyco in 12 C is useful in repeated doses.


Pulsatilla spasmodic pains in the bladder after urinating. Haematuria after urination. Urine dribbles when emotionally upset. Heavy pressure and cramp in the bladder after urination. Urging to urinate on lying on the back. Interrupted flow.


Clematis tingling in urethra lasting for some time after urinating. Burning, frequent urination. Last drops cause violent burning. Urine starts and stops. Or dribble after urination. Difficult to evacuate the urine in one spell. There is mucus in the urine and not pus.


Equisetum slight pain in the right kidney, then in the left. Urgent desire to urinate. Sharp pains at the root of the penis, at the close of urination. Retention and dysuria during pregnancy. Urine is cloudy, albuminuria. Has to get up many times at night to urinate.

Essay on Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease # 7. Urethritis:

Patient gives a history of pains, swelling, redness of the meatus, and scalding during micturition, also, usually in the morning, pus or muco-pus discharge. It is a case of URETHRITIS.

Urethritis can be of two types — Specific, Gonococcal and non-specific urethritis.

Cannabis sativa:

Cannabis sativa itching and inflammatory swelling of the prepuce, glans and penis with deep redness and phimosis. Dragging and itching in the testes and tension in the spermatic cord when standing upright. Scanty burning urine passed drop by drop. Urine is turbid, white or reddish, as if mixed with blood and pus. Inflammation can be because of acute gonococcal infection, urethra is sensitive and has to walk with legs apart.


Cantharis painful swelling of the genitals. Semen at times is bloody. Burning in urethra after sex. Strong desire and painful erection. Cutting burning pains from kidney down to urethra. Strangury, and can pass only few drops.


Petroselinum tingling and lancinating pain in the urethra. Frequent but fruitless desire to urinate. Intense biting and pain deep in the urethra, milky fluid and albuminous yellow discharge from urethra. Often there is profuse pollutions in the morning.


Mercurius glans penis and prepuce is swollen and testicles are swollen and hard. Frequent urging to urinate, and burning after urination. Greenish discharge from the urethra and urine is dark, scanty and bloody.


Medorrhinum urethritis with heaviness in the prostate. Prostate is painful and enlarged with frequent and painful urination. Gleet, whole urethra is sore and painful. Profuse urination with craving for ice.


Thuja there is inflammation of the prepuce and glans. Swelling of the prepuce. There is balanitis with warts on the prepuce. Offensive smelling genitals. Sweet smelling sweat on the genitals.

Argentum nit.:

Argentum nit. urine passes unconsciously day and night. Urethra is inflammed and painful, burning itching pain as from splinter. Emission of few drops after having finished. Divided stream. Early stage of gonorrhoea — profuse discharge and terrible cutting pain. Erection fails when sex is attempted. Impotency.

Essay on Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease # 8. Retention of Urine:

Patient complains that he finds it difficult to pass urine, but the bladder appears to be full on palpation and percussion. The condition is RETENTION OF URINE.


Arnica retention of urine in bladder from overexertion after labour. Bladder tenesmus with painful urination. The bladder feels sore and full. The pressure of urine hurts him, cutting pain in the kidneys. Involuntary dribbling with constant urging. Has to wait for a long time to commence urination. Urine has dark brick red sediment.

Arsenic alb:

Arsenic alb Retention of urine as if the bladder is paralyzed after childbirth. Atony of bladder in old persons. Urine is scanty and burning involuntary. Urine contains epithelial cells, cylindrical clots of fibrin, and globules of pus and blood, weakness feeling in the abdomen after urination.


Paralysis of bladder after long retention of urine, and consequent incontinence. Involuntary passage of urine after coughing. Or any other condition causing intra-abdominal pressure. Retention of urine after labour or surgical operation. Burning in urethra after urinating and after sex. Insensibility of urethra while passing urine. Urine is black, cloudy white, itching of meatus.


Retention with pain in the bladder, anus and rectum. Burning pressure, painful urination by drops. Constant desire to urinate. Urine is acrid, scanty, bloody, odour of violets, greenish turbid colour, and urethra feels wide open.


Retention and dysuria during pregnancy, and after delivery. Sharp cutting and burning pain in the urethra while urinating.


Retention of urine after child-birth. Involuntary urination, bladder is paralyzed, no will to urinate. Frequent, scanty painful urination.

Essay on Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease # 9. Suppression of Urine or Anuria or Oliguria:

Patient complains that he has not passed urine for some time, but there is no evidence of distended bladder. Catheterization does not produce any result. The condition is SUPPRESSION OF URINE or ANURIA or OLIGURIA.

Suppression may be due to obstruction of both the ureters, but kidney being healthy; tumour at the base of the bladder; Malformation of the ureters. This no passing of urine may be for days and there may be no symptoms. Thereafter he may turn restless, with contracted pupils, subnormal temperature, dry brown tongue, and muscular twitching. There may be vomiting in some cases. Death may result suddenly.

Suppression may be due to result of severe renal failure due to any acute or chronic causes. Acute nephritis. Sub-acute nephritis. Chronic pyelonephritis. Febrile state including heat-stroke. Here the high coloured urine passes, and may contain albumen casts. There may be urgent vomiting, diarrhoea and sweating.

Kali chloricum:

Inflammation of the kidney causes urine to get suppressed. The urine is albuminous, scanty and suppressed, has high phosphoric acid, with low total solids. Sometimes there is haematuria.


Loss of power of sensibility of bladder, paralytic atony of the bladder after laparotomy; retained, involuntary urination after fright.


Due to nephritis there is inflammation of the kidney and the urine may get suppressed, scanty, dark coloured, coffee ground sediment. Urine is retained although the bladder is over-distended during pregnancy, there is frequent urge to pass urine but very scanty discharge.


It is a homeopathic replacement for a catheter. Dysuria with pain in the kidney. Kidneys are sensitive to pressure. Useful in chronic nephritis. Pain and tenderness in the kidney. Urine is dark red and brown, thick, and voided with difficulty.


Suppression of urine, specially during typhoid. The bladder is empty. Loss of power in the bladder in the aged. Stream flows slow. Rigor during urination. In most of the cases the treatment is surgical and, therefore, surgeon should be consulted.
