Archive | Plant Tissues

Anther and Pollen Culture: Importance and Implication (With Applications)

Let us make in-depth study of the importance, implication and applications of anther and pollen culture. They are discussed here below: 1. Utility of Anther and Pollen Culture for Basic Research 2. Use of Anther and Pollen Culture for Mutation Study 3. Use of Haploids for Cryogenic Study 4. Use of Anther and Pollen Culture for Plant Breeding and Crop [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:50:11+00:00October 20, 2015|Anther and Pollen Culture|Comments Off on Anther and Pollen Culture: Importance and Implication (With Applications)

Advantages of Pollen Culture over Anther Culture (With Diagram)

The below mentioned article provides the advantages of pollen culture over anther culture. Anther cul­ture is an efficient way for the production of hap­loids from the microspores present within the in­tact anther. In this process, there is always the possibility that somatic cells of the anther that are diploid, will also respond to the culture con­dition and so produce unwanted [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:50:29+00:00October 20, 2015|Pollen Culture|Comments Off on Advantages of Pollen Culture over Anther Culture (With Diagram)

Embryo Culture : Importance, Aspects and Applications | Plant Tissue Culture

The im­portance and application of embryo cul­ture on the basis of available information can be broadly grouped into three categories: 1. Importance of embryo culture in relation to biological knowledge 2. Applied aspects of embryo culture 3. Other applications 1. Importance of Embryo Culture In Relation to Biological Knowledge: In vitro embryo culture has been usefully employed to study some [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:50:36+00:00October 20, 2015|Embryo Culture|Comments Off on Embryo Culture : Importance, Aspects and Applications | Plant Tissue Culture
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