Archive | Anther and Pollen Culture

Anther and Pollen Culture: Meaning and Principle | Plant Tissue

Let us make an in-depth study of the meaning and principle of anther and pollen culture. Meaning of Anther and Pollen Culture: What is Anther Culture? Anther culture is a technique by which the developing anthers at a precise and critical stage are excised aseptically from unopened flower bud and are cultured on a nutrient medium where the microspores within [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:50:03+00:00October 20, 2015|Anther and Pollen Culture|Comments Off on Anther and Pollen Culture: Meaning and Principle | Plant Tissue

Anther and Pollen Culture: Importance and Implication (With Applications)

Let us make in-depth study of the importance, implication and applications of anther and pollen culture. They are discussed here below: 1. Utility of Anther and Pollen Culture for Basic Research 2. Use of Anther and Pollen Culture for Mutation Study 3. Use of Haploids for Cryogenic Study 4. Use of Anther and Pollen Culture for Plant Breeding and Crop [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:50:11+00:00October 20, 2015|Anther and Pollen Culture|Comments Off on Anther and Pollen Culture: Importance and Implication (With Applications)
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