Tag Archives | Tissue Culture

Biology Notes on Totipotency | Biotechnology

The below mentioned article provides a study note on totipotency. Cellular Totipotency: Though Haberlandt was able to culture isolated cells but failed to induce division in vitro. The culture of embryogenic tissue by Hannig (1904) and root-tip culture by Kotte and Robbins (1922) helped in solving the problems of cell divisions in in vitro conditions. During the period of 1934-1954, [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:34+00:00November 2, 2016|Totipotency|Comments Off on Biology Notes on Totipotency | Biotechnology

4 Main Steps of Tissue Culture Techniques | Biotechnology

The following four main steps of tissue culture techniques. The steps are: 1. Inoculation of Explant 2. Incubation of Culture 3. Sub-Culturing 4. Transplantation of the Regenerated Plant. Step # 1. Inoculation of Explant: Successful control of contamination largely depends upon the precautions taken to prevent the entry of microorganisms at the time of transferring the sterilised explants on the [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:33+00:00November 2, 2016|Plant Tissue Culture|Comments Off on 4 Main Steps of Tissue Culture Techniques | Biotechnology

Top 8 Types of Tissue Culture | Biotechnology

The following points highlight the top eight types of tissue culture. The types are: 1. Seed Culture 2. Embryo Culture 3. Meristem Culture 4. Bud Culture 5. Callus Culture 6. Cell Suspension Culture 7. Anther Culture 8. Protoplast Culture.   Type # 1. Seed Culture: Seeds may be cultured in vitro to generate seedlings or plants. It is the best method [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:33+00:00November 2, 2016|Plant Tissue Culture|Comments Off on Top 8 Types of Tissue Culture | Biotechnology
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