Tag Archives | Nucleic Acids

Restriction Enzymes: Types and Sites | Nucleic Acids

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Subject-Matter of Restriction Enzymes 2. Nomenclature of Restriction Enzymes 3. Types 4. Sites 5. Restriction Enzymes Generated Staggered and Blunt Ends 6. Purification. Subject-Matter of Restriction Enzymes: Restriction enzymes, also known as restriction endonucleases, have played a key role in the development of recombinant DNA technology. These have been found in microorganisms [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:56+00:00December 23, 2016|Restriction Enzymes|Comments Off on Restriction Enzymes: Types and Sites | Nucleic Acids

Methods of DNA Sequencing | Nucleic Acids

The sequence of a deoxyribonucleic acid DNA molecule can be elucidated using chemical or enzymatic methods. Chemical Method of DNA Sequencing: In 1997, Maxam and Gilbert of Harward University discovered this method. In this method, a DNA fragment to be sequenced is radiolabeled at one end of molecule (Fig. 13.15). After denaturation of DNA into single strand, bases are modified [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:56+00:00December 23, 2016|DNA Sequencing|Comments Off on Methods of DNA Sequencing | Nucleic Acids

Replication of DNA in Eucaryotes | Biochemistry

Although substantial progress was made during the last decade, all replica­tion mechanisms in eucaryotes are not yet understood because: (a) Replication is an event which occurs much more rarely than in bacteria. Initiation of replication is therefore highly controlled; this complicates the understanding of this process; (b) The DNA is not naked, in the cell, but in the form of [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:26:30+00:00December 23, 2016|Biochemistry|Comments Off on Replication of DNA in Eucaryotes | Biochemistry
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