Tag Archives | Drugs

Drugs that Stimulate Uterine Contractions | Drugs | Pharmacology

In this article we will discuss about the drugs that stimulate uterine contractions. Drug # 1. Prostaglandins (PG): Prostaglandins (PG) are the only autacoids that are used in therapy because of their cytoprotective activity in the GIT mucosa, antiplatelet activity, and uterine stimulant and vasodilator actions. Out of the prostaglandins (D2, E2, F2a and I2) formed; PGE2 and PGI2 exert [...]

By |2017-04-07T06:05:24+00:00April 7, 2017|Pharmacology|Comments Off on Drugs that Stimulate Uterine Contractions | Drugs | Pharmacology

Kinetic Order of Drugs | Pharmacokinetics

Kinetic 'order' is a term which simply means that the various processes are ranked in order of increasing complexity. The important kinetic processes which are concerned are those governing the entry of the drug into the blood, its distribution in body tissues, and its elimination from the blood by metabolism and excretion. Such processes are generally of 'zero-order' or 'first-order'. [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:56+00:00March 4, 2017|Pharmacokinetics|Comments Off on Kinetic Order of Drugs | Pharmacokinetics

Routes of Drug Administration: 3 Routes | Pharmacokinetics

This article throws light upon the three main routes of drug administration. The routes are: 1. Topical or External Application 2. Oral or Enteral Route 3. Parenteral Route (Injection). Route # 1. Topical or External Application: The drugs administration by this route generally affects to the part to which they are applied. However, some drugs applied topically are absorbed from [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:56+00:00March 4, 2017|Pharmacokinetics|Comments Off on Routes of Drug Administration: 3 Routes | Pharmacokinetics
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